Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,31

she read his mind. “I want you, Thane.”

He sat up, water sloshing. He gripped her wet dress and with one jerk, tore it like paper.

He pulled her closer and she straddled him. All that beautiful skin, her taut belly, her perfect breasts, all his.

She panted. “I wanted you inside me so much. When I touched you in that Mollai cavern. I wanted to climb on top of you, sink down on that hard cock—”

With a fierce groan, he sucked one dark nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, God.” She struggled out of the ruined dress, her hands clamping on his head. She moaned.

Thane tongued the tight, little nub, then moved to the other one. Water spilled over the edge of the wooden tub as she writhed against him.

“Yes, Thane. Take what you want.”

He lifted his head. “I want to give you pleasure.”

Their lips met. It wasn’t a soft or slow kiss. She bit his lip, and he tasted blood. Need rode them both hard.

Take. Claim. Possess.

The words pounded through Thane’s brain.

He rose with her in his arms, water streaming off of them. He stepped out of the tub and strode toward the pallet on the floor. He dropped to his knees and lowered her to the bed.

By Eschar’s embrace. “You are so beautiful, Kaira.”

She arched up and he cupped her breasts, then stroked down her small, toned body. It was clear she kept in shape for her job.

He caressed her ribs, her belly, then toyed with the dark curls between her thighs.

“What do you want, warrior?” Her eyes glistened, her gaze dropping to where his thick cock rose up against his abdomen.

“Tell me what you want?” he demanded.

She let her legs fall apart. “I want you to put your mouth on me until I come.”

Cren. Need roared. He loved the blunt way she told him her desires.

He pressed his hands to either side of her hips, and dropped a kiss to her belly.

She sucked in a sharp breath, her body arching.

“As you command,” he murmured.

Then he lowered his head and licked her.

Chapter Twelve

Oh. God.

Sensations rocketed through Kaira. Thane licked, sucked, and nipped. Her breasts felt swollen, blood pumping through her.

He made a deep, appreciative sound, then his tongue licked her clit.

Her body jerked. Oh. It felt like her heart was going to pound out of her chest.

As he licked harder, heat flowed down her spine. She ached all over, and she’d never experienced anything this hot and needy.

With a growl, he pulled her closer to his mouth, his tongue stabbing inside her.

“Thane.” It was too much, but she desperately wanted more.

“Let me watch you.” His voice was so deep. “You have no idea how beautiful you are and how much I want you.”

She looked at him and the hunger stamped on his face. He lowered his head, his tongue stabbing inside her, and it was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.

Everything built inside her then burst. As she fell, pleasure was a wicked, hot rush inside her. She let out a garbled cry.

Body still shaking, she opened her eyes. He was watching her from eyes dominated by glowing, green filaments. His fingers gently stroked between her legs and she bit her lip.

“Again,” he said.

Oh, no. She wasn’t going alone this time. She heaved up and rolled them both until he lay flat on his back.

Jesus, that big, muscled body was a work of art. Ripped straight from every woman’s fantasy. She leaned down and bit his rock-hard stomach.

He growled.

She felt a flush of satisfaction. She did that. She could drive this disciplined Eon warrior to the edge. It was an addictive feeling.

“I want that pretty spot between your legs on my mouth again,” he said. “Seems I’m addicted to the taste of you.” His voice was gritty. A hot, possessive look flared in his eyes.

She licked her lips and climbed up his body. He grabbed her and swung around.

Kaira cried out. Then found her legs straddling his head, her hands on his hard abs for balance. And her gaze fell on that long, thick cock.

Thane made a humming sound, then his mouth was on her.

“Oh my God, Thane.”

His tongue dragged over her—firm, insistent.

She rocked against his mouth. “Yes.”

He slid a finger inside her, and the combination of sweet stretch and the pleasure of his mouth had a climax building.

No. She wanted to see him come this time too.

Kaira lowered her head, licking along his swollen cock.

Thane growled.

She ran the smooth head across her lips, tasted salt. That earned her a low curse, Copyright 2016 - 2024