Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,35

of some sort of grain, sacks that smelled bad, and stacks of raw metal.

They hunkered down and Thane pulled some sheaves over both of them. Then he rapped on the side of the cart.

It jerked and set off.

It was a long, slow, and rocking journey up the side of the mountain. Thane felt Kaira’s touch on his side, and patted her hand.

The cart slowed several times, and each time his gut went tight, certain that they’d be caught.

“We must be passing through the gatehouses,” she whispered.

He squeezed her hand. At one point, he heard Kantos buzzing close by.

But the cart kept moving.

Then it stopped.

We get off here. Nisid’s voice echoed in Thane’s head.

Thane sat up, shoving a sheaf of grain off him. Kaira popped up beside him.

“Come on,” he said.

They leaped off the cart.

Nisid arranged the dead Kantos driver on the cart’s seat. They won’t know what killed him. This way.

They followed Nisid up a rocky slope to the side. Thane looked up, and his gut clenched.

The cocoon base was right above them, like a huge thundercloud. It was made of a brown, woven substance.


Down below, he saw carts pulling up at the lower entrance of the cocoon. There were lots of Kantos soldiers milling around.

We need to climb up there. Nisid pointed his arm.

High above, Thane saw several hexagon-shaped holes in the side of the cocoon. A flying bug flew out of one.

Kaira straightened. “Let’s climb.”

They started up the side. The cocoon was slightly sticky, which made it easier for them to scale.

Nisid moved ahead with ease, using his four legs to full advantage. Beside Thane, Kaira’s face was set and focused.

Finally, he reached one of the holes and peeked inside. “Clear.”

He leaned down, grabbed Kaira’s hand and pulled her inside.

They were in.

They paused, letting their gazes adjust to the gloom.

Lattice-like walls in a pale gray lined the corridor. A dank rotting scent filled the air. It was dark, dim, with a faint yellow glow from lights set in the walls.

This way. Nisid moved down the corridor. There was a humming noise, and to the left, an archway led into a large room.

“God,” Kaira murmured.

Inside looked like a hive. There was a honeycomb structure with flying insects crawling all over it, some fluttering in the air.

Come on. Nisid continued onward. The corridor opened into a wider hall.

Nisid paused. Soldiers are coming. A patrol.

“Here.” Thane darted through an open doorway.

The room inside was windowless, empty. The three of them slipped inside and pressed against the wall.

The group of soldiers moved past the doorway.

Thane…sensed something in the room.

He moved along the wall, staring at the dull light shining from within. The room was empty, so he couldn’t work out what he was sensing.

“Jesus, look.” Kaira stared at the wall.

Embedded in the wall were larvae. Thousands, no millions, of them.

Younglings waiting to hatch. Nisid looked at the walls. This is how we all begin.

Thane turned away. “We need to get to the comms area.”

They slipped out of the room. Echoes of noises drifted down the corridor, followed by a screech.

They looked at the end of the hall. There were two curved, ornate doorways.

“What’s in there?” Thane asked.

The council chamber. Nisid shifted uneasily. It sounds like they are meeting.

Thane knew that he had to get the message out to the Eon. The mission was critical.

Kaira touched his arm. “We should take a quick look. We could gain valuable intel.”

She was right. He nodded.

The three of them crept down the corridor. He saw the walls were thin in places, and he could hear through the thread-like lattice.

They ducked into some shadows. Kaira knelt beside him and they peered through the tiny gaps.

He saw nine elites perched on almost throne-like chairs. They were in a semicircle around a shallow pit.

I can project what they’re saying. Nisid moved right behind them.

Thane looked back and met the rogue Kantos’ gaze. He nodded.

The chamber doors on the opposite side of the room opened, and a group of docile-looking, juvenile soldiers were brought in and urged into the pit. They looked around blankly.

They were new. Young. Unscarred.

“Are they drugged?” Kaira asked. “They’re so…placid.”

No. Nisid’s mental voice was almost sad. They are yet to receive the hunger.

Thane frowned. “The hunger?”


An elite stirred. You are part of the Kantos horde. The backbone of our army. You will fight for the glory, dominance, and greatness of the Kantos.

Kaira swallowed and Thane pressed a hand to her back.

Prepare to be gifted with the hunger.

Chapter Fourteen

A shiver went down Kaira’s spine. What the hell Copyright 2016 - 2024