Soul Bonded - By Meghan Malone Page 0,6

was unconscious? Even if she had vague memories of wanting it, she hadn’t been in any condition to consent. Had he done something to put her in this state so that if she remembered what he’d done, she would think it was her idea?

Katie closed her eyes and fought to recall the details of her rescue. She’d been so out of it mentally that she’d thought Rafe’s appearance was a dream or even a dying vision—being taken out of the car, carried through the cold, then eventually warmed in his embrace. But it hadn’t been a dream. At least not all of it. That something had happened between them was obvious.

She wasn’t sure how to stay in Rafe’s house without knowing what it was.


Rafe knocked on the door again some time later, startling Katie upright in bed. She’d only meant to rest for a minute, not wanting to be vulnerable when her host returned, but Shilah had put his head on her belly as soon as she’d lain down and she’d lost track of time petting him. Now Shilah grumbled as she shot ramrod straight against the headboard before calling out, “Come in.”

The door opened and Rafe walked inside without glancing in her direction. He carried a bowl, a piece of crusty bread, and a glass of water. Clearly in a rush, he set the food on the nightstand and backed away. “I hope you like chicken soup.”

The savory aroma hit her in the face and made her mouth water. Any concern she might have had about being drugged disappeared at the prospect of filling her stomach. She snatched up the bowl, then gave him a sheepish nod. “This is perfect. Thank you.”

“You can have more if you’d like.” For the first time, a trace of humor crept into Rafe’s voice. “But you should probably take it easy. Your stomach needs to acclimate to having food inside it again.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Katie said as she shoveled a spoonful into her mouth. She moaned, undone by the warmth and flavor of the broth, not to mention the promise of sustenance. Never again would she take food for granted. Ever. “Oh…this is so good.”

She looked up and Rafe quickly averted his gaze from her chest. Swallowing, he rasped, “I’m glad.”

Though he’d traded the snug jeans he’d worn earlier for a pair of loose sweatpants, Rafe’s arousal remained obvious. She tried not to stare. Had he been excited this whole time, or was he reacting to her unselfconscious enjoyment of her lunch? Either way, she vacillated between being frightened, embarrassed, and pleased by the evidence of his desire. The longer he went without trying to initiate physical contact, the more convinced she became that he wasn’t planning on assaulting her. Not while she was conscious, at least.

She frowned. If she wanted to know what had occurred while she was unconscious, she would have to ask him. Even if he wasn’t willing to tell her the truth, she might learn something from the way he responded. “Can you tell me what happened after you got me out of my car?”

Panic flashed in Rafe’s eyes. “What?”

“After you dug me out of my car…I don’t remember much, and what I do recall, I’m not even sure really happened.” Katie hesitated, unsure how much she wanted to say. She hated to accuse him of behaving improperly when he hadn’t done anything overtly threatening. So maybe he was a little aloof and a lot awkward. The guy lived in the middle of the woods. People skills probably weren’t among his strengths. She decided to start with an easy question. “Did you carry me back here? I swear that’s what I remember, but…it seems a little crazy, in my head.”

Rafe crossed the room and opened the trunk that sat in the corner. He pulled out a folded comforter, but instead of offering it to her, he held it in front of his crotch, hiding his erection. “I did carry you. I went out for a hike that afternoon on foot, so…” He cleared his throat and glanced longingly at the bedroom door. Once again, he seemed desperate to leave. “Why don’t I let you eat? I’ll bring your clothes when I come back for the dishes.”

“Wait.” She set down the bowl of soup. No way was she going to let the food distract her from her most important goal. She needed to know what she’d gotten herself into. “What happened after you brought me inside? I Copyright 2016 - 2024