Soul Bonded - By Meghan Malone Page 0,5

your clothes are drying now. I can bring them to you when they’re ready.” He tore his gaze away from hers. “They were soaking wet by the time I got you home. I tried not to look at…you…any more than necessary.”

Katie blushed. “Given that you know so much about me already, maybe you can tell me your name?”

“Rafe Whelan.” He walked to the doorway and paused with his back to her. “I’ll bring you lunch, then leave you alone. I’ve got books, if you like to read, or paper and pencils, if you wanted to write or draw. No television, I’m afraid. No computer, either.”

She doubted she would be able to relax enough to do anything except sit and worry. Her life was literally in this man’s hands. His very strong, masculine, sexy hands—which could be serial killer hands, for all she knew, or those of a sadistic sexual predator. After her reaction to having those hands on her, she couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d not only undressed her, but also initiated some kind of intimate contact she only vaguely remembered. And now he reeked of guilt and shame. How could she read or draw or nap, especially, with that hanging over her? Afraid to alert him to her growing suspicion, she scooted back against the headboard and pulled her knees to her chest. “A book would be nice.”

He nodded and started out the door, but something made her call out to him. “Wait!”

Rafe stopped and glanced back in her direction. “Yes?”

“When do you think the roads will be open?”

“I don’t know.” He turned and stared at her with an intensity that raised the fine hairs on her arms. “Soon, I hope. I want to get you back to your people just as badly as you want to go. Believe me.”

Hearing the sincerity in his words, but unsure what to make of it, she gave him a reluctant nod. She didn’t want him to know that she distrusted him. Not while she was a prisoner in his home. “You saved my life. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Something that looked like regret passed across his face, but he covered it nicely with a smile that made Katie’s stomach flip-flop despite her best efforts to remain unaffected. “If you’re still cold, I can prepare a hot bath for you. And give you privacy, of course.”

She couldn’t think of a worse idea. “That’s generous of you, but I’m okay. Thanks.”

He left with a curt nod, the smile vanishing from his face before he’d even turned away. Katie shuddered as he closed the door. Alone with his dog—Shilah—she sank her fingers into the coarse fur that covered the back of his neck. “Are you here to keep me warm, or to guard me?”

Shilah rolled onto his side and exposed his belly in a clear attempt to solicit a stomach rub. She complied, feeling a little silly about her fleeting paranoia. The dog was just an overgrown puppy. Perhaps his master had a similar soft nature.

There was no real reason to assume that Rafe meant her any harm. So far he had been polite and respectful, and he was clearly trying to keep his distance—even if to an unsettling extent. If not for the guilt in his eyes and the downright disturbing flashes of what might have happened while she was unconscious, she would have no reason to see him as anything other than a hero. But it was obvious that something was off. He seemed overly anxious for her to go, as though he couldn’t stand being around her. Somehow she felt like both an intruder and a prisoner—unwelcome but stuck in his house, unable to leave.

Yet despite all that, her body stirred as she thought about him. Dark-haired with a couple days worth of scruff covering his chiseled face and a leanly muscled body, he was her fantasy man come to life. And those eyes…Katie whimpered as her inner muscles clenched, sending a ripple of pleasure down to the tips of her toes.

For a moment she sat stunned. Then she slowly eased her hand beneath the waistband of her sweats and sought out her labia with tentative fingers. Slick wetness coated her trimmed hairs, her inner thighs, her almost unbearably sensitive folds. She’d never felt anything like it. Gasping, she tore her hand out of her pants and wiped her fingers hastily on the sheets.

This wasn’t normal. This wasn’t her.

Had he slipped her some kind of drug? Taken advantage of her when she Copyright 2016 - 2024