Soul Bonded - By Meghan Malone Page 0,7

must have been in pretty bad shape.”

“You were hypothermic.” Rafe’s expression softened. “When I got you here, I took you straight to the guest room. Your clothes were soaked through from the storm, so I undressed you. Then I put you in dry clothes and covered you with blankets. I sat with you for a while to make sure your condition didn’t deteriorate as you warmed.” He glanced at Shilah, who thumped his tail against the mattress the instant he received his master’s attention. “You’re strong. You’re a fighter. Once you were warm and I was confident you were stable, I put Shilah in bed with you to provide body heat. Then I left.”

It was a good story. She wished she believed it. She didn’t know how she knew it wasn’t the whole truth, but she did, in her bones. Rafe was lying to her. His dishonesty was so obvious it made her cringe. While it shouldn’t have hurt her on a personal level—she didn’t even know this man—the deceit stung. Inexplicably, it felt like a betrayal, as though she’d actually expected more.

He finally met her gaze, swallowing visibly at whatever he saw in her eyes. “Let me get your clothes.” He practically dashed out of the room.

Katie gave the soup a sidelong glance. Her stomach growled painfully, and against her better judgment, she picked up the bowl. Yes, Rafe was lying to her. That didn’t mean he’d put something in her food. It didn’t mean he wanted to hurt her in any way. Or at least that’s what she tried to convince herself as she took another tentative bite. She needed to eat. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have the strength to defend herself, if it came to that.

Realistically, he’d had ample opportunity to hurt her if he’d wanted. Chances were, he was just socially awkward or something equally innocuous. He had promised to take her into town as soon as the weather cleared, and right now she had no choice but to believe him. So she was going to eat.

She was surprised when he knocked on the door only minutes later. She placed the empty bowl of soup on the nightstand and called out, “Come in.”

This time Rafe held a pile of folded clothing. “Looks like you were wearing everything you had with you.” A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, but he sobered quickly. “I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable in your own clothes.”

Actually, she was certain that his T-shirt and sweatpants were worlds more comfortable than anything she’d packed for girls’ weekend, but she wasn’t going to say that out loud. “I appreciate that. Thank you.”

Rafe took a deep breath, then dragged his gaze to meet hers. Once again, a heady rush of passion and need flooded through her body and settled between her legs, where it swiftly became a gnawing, yearning ache. She swore she could see her desire reflected in the flaring of Rafe’s nostrils, the darkening of his eyes, the quickening of his breath. Katie leaned forward in anticipation, sensing that he was about to open up to her, that he may even say something that would help explain the chemistry between them.

A muffled knock came from somewhere outside the bedroom, startling both Shilah and Rafe and drawing their attention to the door. Rafe’s face fell at the interruption and a look of cold dread chased away the longing in his eyes. Katie’s heart rate picked up as he strode to the door. “Wait here. I’m not expecting anyone.”

She nodded and rested her hand on Shilah’s head, grateful that the dog made no move to leave. There was no mistaking Rafe’s reaction to this visitor. He was nervous. And why not? He lived in the middle of the woods and the roads were supposedly closed. It did seem unusual that someone would just drop by. Very unusual.

Was this guest really unexpected? Or was Rafe nervous for another reason?

Perhaps his surprise had been feigned. Maybe he didn’t want her to know that he’d invited someone over? Or that there was someone else living in the house? The possible implications of her increasingly paranoid thoughts turned her insides to ice.

Cautiously, she scooted to the edge of the bed. Mindful that her legs hadn’t supported her the last time she’d tried to stand, she gripped the edge of the nightstand and slowly got to her feet. After a slight wobble, she found her balance and then, gradually, her strength. She wasn’t sure what she Copyright 2016 - 2024