Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,31

distract him from his duties. He’s overdue.

“One minute until we leave!” I call over my shoulder when Gray comes out of the bathroom. Brushing my teeth is the last of my tasks, and I take my time doing it, so the guys can scramble to get ready. “Alright, I’m out the door.”

Paxton rushes forward, still buttoning the cuffs of his light blue dress shirt. I haven’t seen him dressed up in a while, and I rather enjoy the sight of him looking like my prince.

My king.

When Gray emerges from the bathroom, my jaw drops. I expected him to wear the pair of jeans and t-shirt he has, but when he comes out in navy slacks and a white dress shirt, I have no response. I’m a mess of teenaged hormones, and there’s no end in sight.

He shoves his feet into light brown shoes that I swear, came out of nowhere. He takes my flabbergast and Paxton’s with a frown. “What? Did I put something on wrong? I’m not used to these kinds of clothes. Sloan put them in my drawer in case I needed to guard you outside the commune, but I don’t know. I look stupid.”

Paxton’s chest barrels in a silent command for Gray to do the same, bolstering his confidence as best he can. He crosses the room and buttons Gray’s cuffs, then straightens the tips of his collar. “No one’s going to mess with our queen if you’re by her side.”

Gray’s brow raises, half in disbelief and half considering that there might be some truth in Paxton’s praise. “Really?”

“This is good.” Paxton turns and grins at me, offering his elbow for me to hold. “This is going to be really good.”

The three of us make our way downstairs, welcomed by the hoots and claps from Charlotte and Cass, who are snuggling cutely on the couch in the living room. Cass assures me that she’ll keep everyone on task tonight, and then wishes us a good day.

It’s Charlotte who gives me pause. Her happiness over our dressy attire fades as her eyes go out of focus.


“Careful,” Charlotte warns, though she doesn’t expand.

Everly Ann trots into the room, her ears quirked as she tilts her head up at us.

“Of what?” Gray prods.

Charlotte moves toward me, her hand on my wrist feeling for my pulse. “Careful.” Then to Paxton, she says, “He needs to be taken down. Soon.”

Gray bristles. “Who, Charlotte? Who needs to be taken down?”

But she’s intent on speaking only to Paxton. “Be ready. Your time is coming.”

A chill sweeps through the room, and I search for Charlotte’s aura. It’s muddied now, not its usual yellow-blue, and brushed with all the colors of our auras. I’m fairly certain she doesn’t even know of whom she is referring. She’s merely communicating the broken pieces she has.

I haven’t tried to read anyone’s aura in weeks.

Then Charlotte blinks, and her aura turns back to its usual vibrancy. She angles her body toward Gray and stumbles forward into his arms. “Careful. Be careful. They’re not ready for you. They’ll tear you apart if they see you with Arly.”

Finally understanding part of her concern, Gray chuckles, his shoulders relaxing. “It’s alright. That’s nothing I’m not prepared for. In public, Arly is with Paxton, and I’m just the guard lurking in the background with Sloan. No one’s going to tear me apart because they won’t know that I’m in love with Arly.”

I bristle at the insinuation that I would be one person in public and another in private. “Do you really think I’ll be okay with that? The three of us are a team. I don’t care what they say. People will always talk. It’s all in who you listen to.”

Paxton hesitates, and I’m instantly frustrated with him for not automatically taking my side. Our side. “You’re used to the press. Gray isn’t. You and I were born with thick skin. I wouldn’t wish what we’ve gone through to become so calloused on anyone, least of all a pure soul like Gray.”

The sight of Gray reaching out and holding onto Paxton’s hand warms my insides. I love watching the two of them be sweet to each other, to live in that brotherhood that’s so rare to find. “I don’t care what people say.”

Paxton frowns. “You think that now, but I love you too much to throw you to the jackals. I won’t have anything pushing you away from us.” Paxton grips my hand, too. “I don’t want to be a bad thing in your Copyright 2016 - 2024