Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,30

a hundred ways to incapacitate a man.”

Paxton kisses my bare shoulder, sending tingles through my skin. Each one feels like sparkling water, popping and pricking me all over, building up a concentration in the very best of places. “No chance of talking you out of starting your day this early? The sun’s barely awake.”

“Not even a little bit. But if anyone could, it would be you two.” I sit up with great reluctance pulling at my bones, but manage the feat all the same. I hook my leg over Gray’s waist in an attempt to climb out of bed, but he rocks onto his back and holds my hips static, rolling his pelvis beneath mine.

His rhythm is perfect, and nearly distracting enough to make me deviate from my plans.

But this is too important. Pleasure can come later, after I’ve taken care of my camp.

“Where are you going?” Gray asks, holding firmly to my hips. His thumbs hook beneath the band of my underwear, playing it like a stringed instrument he knows will sing for him.

“Mm. It’s a surprise.”

“A new plan? Want to fill us in?” Gray’s hips roll like a sensual wave, forcing me to bite my lip so he doesn’t know how carried away I’m getting.

“If everything goes as planned, I’ll tell you tonight. I’m kind of excited.”

Gray sits up, capturing my lips with his because I desperately want to be caught. “Me too,” he works out as he situates me over his lap in the best kind of way. “Want me to come with you?”

I kiss him again, biting down on his lower lip. “You and Pax are fixing the busses again today, remember?”

Paxton stands from the bed, coming around to steal my lips from Gray. “That’s right. Anything else you need from us today while you’re out?”

“Hold down the fort?” I request as Paxton helps me off of Gray’s lap, settling me on steady ground with my hand in his. “The second Barry gets here, gather up as many hands as you can get, and set to pouring foundations. If we work hard, maybe we can get a whole street done tonight. We’re so close.”

“You’ll be back by then, right?” Paxton squeezes my fingers.

“I plan on it. But just in case I’m running behind, I’ll need you two to be me.”

I could take my clothes into the bathroom to change, but I go out on a limb and take a step toward claiming our life together. Though I’m facing away from them, my top slips over my head and my bra fastens into place. A gauzy blouse is my signature piece, because I’ll need my pink lacy bra showcased during my meeting. Teal fitted pants that stop two inches above my ankle give me enough confidence to don the pink stilettos that I know match my bra perfectly.

So many pairs of my famous collection of stilettos have been sold at auction, funding the cost of pouring the foundations for so many houses.

Sloan bought me these ones, though, so I’m not about to sell them.

Ignoring the dropped jaws of the guys is a feat, but I really don’t want Sloan tapping his foot waiting for me. This meeting is important, and could change so much for our cause. I run a brush through my hair and wind my elbow-length waves up in a bun. Having my hair out of my face makes me feel like I’m ready to negotiate.

“See you tonight, guys.”

Gray guffaws. “I’m not staying here when you look like that.”

I narrow my eyes at Gray’s overprotective frown, and then see that Paxton is wearing a similar anxiety to Gray. “I dress like this all the time. And today. I really need this exact look. It’s all part of my plan.”

“Are you seducing someone?”

I wink at Gray. “I already crossed that off my list for today.” I sigh and point at the men. “If you want to come, then you need to get dressed in the next three minutes. I mean it.”

It’s the fastest I’ve seen them both move in a while. Gray hops out of bed, rubbing his neck on the way to the bathroom. As I flip through my tablet and get my notes in order, I realize there’s no itinerary check from Sloan, which is unlike him. He’s always on top of things.

The same thing happened yesterday. No confirmation of the schedule, and he didn’t show.

I try not to bristle, giving him grace. It’s good that he has a woman in his life to Copyright 2016 - 2024