Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,29

shoulders and returns to its rightful owner. His arm winds with purpose around my hips, his thumb stroking the small of my back just because he can. “This scrap of lace is even better in the daylight.”

The lower pitch of his voice sends a thrill through my body.

It’s a slight pinch to my hip that has me turning toward Gray, as Paxton disappears up the stairs and into the bedroom. “You’re really staying here today and helping Paxton with the busses?”

Half a smile quirks the left corner of his mouth. “I’m afraid so. I hope you enjoyed the space we’ve had, because I’m not leaving this property again for a while.”

“Are you really okay with that?”

“With the five of us being a pack?” Gray shrugs, as if this whole thing is nothing to fret about. It’s a bad act, but I appreciate the effort and the spirit behind it. “I can’t think of anyone I’d rather live with.”

I gaze up at Gray with more questions than answers, but I decide to save them for another day.

There’s nothing I want more than to start my day, but we don’t make it two steps up the staircase before a desperate kiss overtakes us. The restlessness in Gray hasn’t left, but for the moment, he summons up the strength to put in on the shelf so he can heft me up in his arms.

My legs feel long and strong as they wrap around Gray’s waist. He leans me backward until my butt rests on a stair. His kiss drives into me, drawing gasp upon gasp as I feel him come to life. This is where he belongs. Exactly here, in my arms. I don’t care that the stair is digging into my back. There’s no part of me that would trade his low moans and noises of desperate desire for anything.

Gray is strong, but trusts me with his vulnerable spots. All he asks is that I do the same in return.

I miss relying on him, clinging to him when I feel weak, and then being solid enough to prop him up when he’s not entirely himself.

His lips are a luscious combination of supple and firm. He’s so very tall and bulky. When his hand holds tight to my thigh, I cannot help but surrender the entire length of my leg to his will. When he spreads my knees further, I don’t tense up or wonder if he’s the right man for this adventure. I know that the man who held me through the nights my demons taunted me can be trusted to direct my body how it best suits us both. He doesn’t do anything unless it’s good for all involved.

And oh, how he makes it good for me.

Taking What I Want


After a satisfying day of work, where I finally feel normal again, sleep was a welcome respite, especially now that the three of us are together. I wake up with Paxton’s hand firmly on my bare breast under my cropped silk top. He spoons me in his sleep while my head is cradled on Gray’s warm shoulder. I remember every detail of how I landed myself in this strange position, and I can still feel a tingling all throughout my body that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

My lips can’t help themselves. They’re heat-seeking missiles, gravitating toward Gray’s throat, which makes a rumbling noise. I’m afraid I might never kick my addiction to him. His body tenses and then stretches, letting me know I’ve hit his sweet spot on the first try.

“Wake me up like this every morning.” Then he turns onto his side, catching my lips with his. “If last night was a dream, lie to me and tell me it was real.”

I nuzzle his nose with mine between kisses. “Very real.”

“Then stay in bed a little while longer. I’ve got big plans for you.”

My protest is delayed when Paxton’s fingers come to life, massaging my sensitive parts in ways that scramble my to-do list. “Good morning. Mm.” His contentment mingles with excitement, and I worry that if I don’t sit up now, I’ll never be able to leave this bed.

“Tonight,” I murmur. “Hold that thought until tonight. I’ve got a big day today, and I can’t be late. Sloan will be waiting for me at the gate. He’s got a sixth sense for men coming near my breasts.”

“Are you sure?” Gray says between kisses. “He didn’t show last night.”

“I’m sure. Sloan knows how important this meeting is. He also knows probably Copyright 2016 - 2024