Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,32


Gray kisses Paxton’s cheek, and then mine. “Never. But for today, you’re right. I’ll stick to the background. You two are the couple. I’m the guard. One scandal at a time.”

My mouth firms, but I don’t want to push Gray into something that could hurt him. Paxton and Charlotte are right; Gray needs protecting right now. “Let’s go, then.”

The three of us walk to the entrance of our Commune of Sinners, but the sight of Sloan tapping his foot is nowhere to be seen.

A sense of unease falls over my shoulders, weighting them too much for me to be able to shrug this off. I pull out my phone and call my best friend.

“He’s not picking up,” I inform the guys.

Paxton cranes his neck to search down the road. “Do you have Nurse Jen’s number? Maybe he’s still with her.”

I swallow hard, hoping that’s true.

I should have checked on him yesterday.

When Jen picks up, I fight not to sound frantic. “Jen, have you seen Sloan this morning? He’s not picking up.”

Even though the sun has barely risen, Jen doesn’t sound groggy. “I haven’t seen him yet, but it’s not even nine in the morning. Did you need him for something?”

Only everything.

“He’s supposed to drive me to a meeting, but he’s not here. I’m a little worried.”

A lot. I’m a lot worried, but I know that will sound paranoid. It’s normal for a person to oversleep on occasion, but not for Sloan.

Jen doesn’t call me out on my crazy. “Oh, hun. I’m sure he’s just sleeping in. Can I drive you to your meeting? You still need a ride?”

“Really? That would actually be very helpful. I’m at the gate. You sure you don’t mind?”

“Be there in ten.”

Jen is a good person, filling in the gaps where I need help and not acting like me dragging her out and taking up her day is a huge inconvenience.

I could call one of my father’s drivers, but I’m trying not to lean too heavily on him these days. He’s already too involved.

Gray is good at intuiting when I’m in my head too much. He holds my hand until Jen’s boxy teal car rumbles into view.

No bulletproof glass. No tinted windows.

I fight my spoiled princess upbringing and grin graciously at Jen. “Thank you so much for filling in like this. It’s not like Sloan to be late. He never lets my calls go to voicemail. But that’s two days in a row, now.”

Jen pulls out onto the main road once we’re all buckled in. “Yesterday’s missed call might be my fault.” She chews on her lower lip. “Sloan wanted to tell you earlier, but I made him keep it quiet. Don’t be mad at him.” She taps her thumb to the steering wheel as the GPS on my phone directs her which way to go. “The reason he might have missed your call yesterday is because…” Her eyes keep darting toward me in the backseat, which I’m sharing with Paxton. “Well, Sloan and I went on a date two nights ago.”

Though I knew they were dating, the news still threatens to bowl me over when put so plainly.

Paxton appears nonplussed. “Where’d he take you?”

Jen gapes. “You knew? We were so careful!”

Paxton grins, his eyebrows dancing at her. “Yes, you two are the sneakiest snoggers I’ve ever seen. Well done.”

Jen groans. “I was so nervous to tell you, Arly, and you already knew?”

I play it off like it’s no big deal, but inside, I’m still concerned with the fact that I haven’t heard from Sloan. How could he not be here? He’s got a girlfriend that he didn’t tell me about, and now he’s sleeping in all of a sudden? He’s my best friend, and didn’t tell me the first thing about his relationship. I had to brave telling him that I had two boyfriends, which was no easy feat.

Though, to be fair, Gray told him, not me.

Still. Sloan’s the adult in our relationship.

“Why didn’t he tell me?” I ask, voicing my insecurity. “He’s my best friend.”

Jen softens. “Oh, hun. It’s my fault. I didn’t want you to hate me. The commune really needs a nurse, and I didn’t want you to get upset with me and send me away. That would affect too many people who actually do need ongoing medical care.”

My head hangs. “I’m not that petty. I’m glad Sloan finally has someone.”

Jen grips the steering wheel as we drive from one street to the next, and on to the freeway. “No one thinks Copyright 2016 - 2024