Shadow of My Heart - By Caryn Moya-Block Page 0,40

need to do some shopping for Shadow-walking-proof clothes.”

“Gwen and Lindy will know the best places to go. But I did order a couple of things for you.”

“You did?”

“If I give them to you now, will you promise to model them for me?”

“I don’t see why not. Where are they?”

“Here,” Raven said, while taking two boxes out of the closet by the door. He handed them to Cara.

She walked over to the entryway table and lifted the first box top to find a red-silk lace bra and panty set. The other box contained a matching set in black.

“I don’t think these are going to keep me very warm.”

“No, but they will keep you covered. No more walking into the clinic naked. We can shop for the outer layers after we see Isanti. Just wear a pair of jeans and a cotton shirt. I have a leather coat you can wear.”

“I need shoes. All I have are these tennis shoes, and they will fall apart in no time.”

“You can borrow a pair from one of the girls until we get you some of your own.”

“Does that mean you will be carrying me through Shadow tomorrow?”

“Tehila, I will carry you through hell if you ask me to.”

Chapter Ten

Raven held up the leather coat for Cara to slip into before turning her and reaching for each button.

“It’s always cold in the Shadow Dimension,” he said, enjoying his task of pushing each button through its hole, his fingers brushing against her breast. “You need to stay alert and keep where you want to go uppermost in your mind. People have gotten lost in Shadow and were never seen again.”

“If it’s so dangerous, why do you go in?”

“We are going to travel in a few seconds what it would take twelve hours to drive in a car. Saving that kind of time is worth the risk, don’t you think?”

“I guess I can see the benefits.”

Raven took her hand and walked over to the corner of the room where the shadows were thickest. Releasing her, Cara watched in fascination as he crouched down and felt around near the floor. Finding what he was looking for, he pushed both hands into the shadow and then stretched them apart. He continued to stretch them apart as he rose up from his crouch.

“You have to open the door big enough to walk in. But once through, you always need to close it behind you,” Raven said, taking her hand again.

Cara followed Raven into the Shadow Dimension and, while he closed the door behind them, looked around in amazement. Cold hit her first and seemed to sink into her bones. The other times she had come through Shadow, she had been injured, but this time she wanted to take it all in. Here was another whole world, writhing with black wisps of mist and shadow. But at the same time, she could see Raven’s apartment dimly as if looking through a dirty window.

She opened her mouth to speak, but wisps of mist flowed into her mouth, and she started to cough. Her lungs hurt from the cold.

Use telepathy while in Shadow. It is much more comfortable, Raven sent into her mind, as his arm surrounded her waist and he lifted her into his arms.

Focus on the front porch of the ranch house. See every detail in your mind, the railing of the porch, the siding of the house, the window, the front door.

Cara did as she was instructed and could see the image Raven held in his mind of the porch. Then, there was a sense of movement, the mist flowed around them, and instead of Raven’s apartment, Isanti’s front porch could be seen on the other side of the Shadow barrier.

Raven lowered Cara to the ground and moved to the side of the porch that was in shade. He quickly opened a door, and they walked out of Shadow and onto the porch.

“That was amazing,” Cara said, rubbing her arms and shivering from the change in temperature, while Raven closed the door behind them.

“I’m glad you think so because I travel this way all the time,” Raven said, before moving to the front door and knocking lightly.

The front door opened quickly, and Gwen stood in the entryway, looking worried. She hugged Raven tightly.

“Thank you for coming. I’m sorry I dragged you away from work,” Gwen said.

“I took the week off, Gwen. It’s not a problem, really,” Raven said to reassure her. “Cara needs your help getting Shadow-walking clothes and shoes. Copyright 2016 - 2024