Shadow of My Heart - By Caryn Moya-Block Page 0,39

better return upstairs. Some of us have work to do. Mr. Darkwood, I cleared your schedule for the rest of the week as requested.”

“Thank you, Katherine. You are as efficient as always,” Raven said.

“That’s why you hired me, Boss.”

“No, he hired you because he was desperate to find someone to help him,” Derek said. “This office runs smoothly because of you, Katie. Anyone who says differently will answer to me.”

“No one is arguing with you, Derek. Hurry up and get better. General Holland wants you to take on another assignment,” Katherine said, walking to the door. “I told him you were injured, but he wants to know when you will get back on the duty roster.”

“Derek, you know I told the general we were no longer accepting contracts for the government,” Raven said.

“I just help him out occasionally.”

“Don’t make it a habit.”

“Don’t lecture him. He’s still wounded. Why don’t you go get him some juice,” Cara said, patting Raven on the arm. She just wanted a couple of minutes alone with Derek.

“All right, tehila. I’ll be only a minute,” Raven said, walking out the door.

“Well played, little sister. Now what do you want?”

“I want to know how long you’ve been in love with Katherine Sloane and when are you going to do something about it?”

“I fell head over heels the first moment I saw her at her husband’s funeral. And that’s why I haven’t done something about it. She needs time to grieve and heal.”

“The way she was looking at you, I would say she’s healed and interested. Besides, I’ve been seeing this strange light thing. It looks like your auras are reaching out to each other.”

“Wow, that’s kind of weird. Are you feeling all right? Maybe you should talk to Quiet Thunder. He would like to know what’s going on with you.”

“Don’t tease me, Derek. You told me the prophecy said I would lead the men to the right women. I’m telling you, Katherine is the one.”

“I’ve known that for almost five years, Cara. But thanks for the confirmation. You should still talk to Quiet Thunder. He’d want to know what you see.”

“Okay, if we go out to the ranch, I’ll mention it to him. Here comes Raven.”

The door opened, and Raven walked in with a pitcher of orange juice. He poured some into a glass before handing it to his brother.

“One glass of orange juice as requested.”

“She requested it, not me,” Derek said, handing the glass to Cara. “I don’t even like orange juice.”

“Don’t be surly, Derek. Everyone likes orange juice. But I’ll drink this glass for you,” Cara said, before taking a large drink from the glass.

“She has you there, little brother,” Raven said, chuckling.

“I think she has all of us wrapped around her little finger,” Derek grumbled.


Raven walked into his apartment and pulled Cara into his arms for a kiss. She moaned into his mouth as he pulled her flush against him, letting her feel how much he wanted her. He wanted her. He always wanted her. He couldn’t get enough of her. He reluctantly raised his head when the phone rang.

“You should get that. It might be important.”

“Not as important as you,” Raven said, starting to lower his head.

Cara placed her hand over his mouth to stop him. “Answer the phone. I’m not going anywhere.”

Raven reluctantly reached for the phone, while Cara slipped away and into the bedroom.

“Raven? It’s Gwen. I know you’re busy, but I think you need to come to the ranch. Dad is acting very strangely. He goes out to his studio and doesn’t come out for hours. He isn’t eating. I’m worried.”

“All right, Gwen. Calm down, honey. Cara and I will Shadow-walk tomorrow. We’ll be there in time for lunch. Is that soon enough?”

“Thank you, Raven. I know now isn’t a good time. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think it was important.”

“I know, honey. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Gwen never asked for anything. She was really upset.

“All right. Goodbye.”

Leaning his head against his hand, Raven groaned. Was he ever going to get some alone time with Cara?

“Is something wrong?” Cara asked, standing in the bedroom door.

“That was Gwen. She’s worried about Isanti. I need to go out to the ranch tomorrow. Will you come?”

“Of course, Raven. Don’t be silly. Besides, I wanted to talk to Quiet Thunder. Is he all right?”

“I honestly don’t know. He can be strange at the best of times. But I owe him so much. We all do.”

“Not to change the subject, but I think I Copyright 2016 - 2024