Shadow of My Heart - By Caryn Moya-Block Page 0,41

Can we come inside? I want to get her warmed up.”

“Oh, of course. Forgive me, Cara. Come in. I have hot water on for tea,” Gwen said, stepping back and ushering them inside. She closed the front door and smiled faintly, before turning and leading them into the kitchen.

Raven kept his hand on Cara’s back, escorting her to a chair at the table, before kneeling in front of her. He picked up one foot and rubbed it vigorously, warming and massaging each toe, before moving to the other foot.

“I’ll get you a pair of slippers,” Gwen said as she hurried out of the room.

“Are you warming up? Let me get that cup of tea for you,” Raven said, rising and moving around the kitchen.

Cara had to admit that she was still shivering slightly and felt cold all the way to her core. Raven seemed fine, and she felt kind of jealous at how well he handled everything. It wasn’t every day you walked through another dimension.

He stood at the counter, pouring water into a cup. The sun from the window made his black hair shine. As Cara’s eyes traveled down from his hair, she took in the cotton sweater and black jeans that hugged his luscious behind before moving to his muscular legs and black cowboy boots. The man was eye candy of the highest order, and he was hers.

Warmth suffused her face as he glanced back and caught her ogling his butt. Shadow hadn’t stolen all of her warmth after all. Raven could make her hot all over quicker than a hot beverage ever could. His eyes lit up, and he smiled, while bringing the tea over to the table and placing it in front of her.

Lowering his head, he kissed her lightly. The contact brought more warmth rushing to the surface, and her lips tingled from his touch. She reached up, grabbing his sweater and holding him to her as she licked his lower lip. Deepening the kiss, she tangled their tongues together. The sound of Gwen returning to the kitchen and clearing her throat convinced Cara to release Raven. Sighing, she picked up the tea and took a sip.

“I brought you these slippers. I have two pairs, and this one is the newest.”

“Thank you, Gwen. I appreciate your letting me use them. All of my shoes would disintegrate in Shadow,” Cara said, sliding her feet into the leather, fur-lined slippers.

“I know of a couple of stores where we can shop for shoes. But it means traveling through Shadow to reach them. You can borrow a pair of my shoes when we’re ready to go. Maybe Lindy would like to go with us. She’ll be home this afternoon. We can make it a girls’ day out. Ana is out of the country, or she would come too.”

“That sounds like fun, if Raven doesn’t mind,” Cara said, looking up at him.

“Of course, I don’t mind, tehila. I’ll give you girls the company credit card. Just don’t go too crazy.”

“Three women out shopping? That would never happen,” Cara said before they all started laughing. She liked Raven’s foster sisters. It would be fun to spend time with them.


Now that the women were on their way to go shopping, it was time to find out what was going on with Isanti. Gwen was right in saying he disappeared into his studio for hours at a time. He hadn’t appeared for lunch, even though Gwen had knocked on his door and called him.

Raven felt as if he needed to beard the lion in his den. Running his hand through his hair, he walked down the path to the small two-room building Isanti used as his studio. Raven knocked loudly and waited. Would Isanti answer? When no one appeared, Raven knocked again and then called.

“Quiet Thunder, open the door. We need to talk. Isanti, you are scaring the girls. Open up.” Should he Shadow-walk in? If Isanti didn’t open the door soon, that was plan B.

Moments after, Raven finally heard shuffling on the other side of the door, the deadbolt was pulled back, and the door opened. Isanti Quiet Thunder stood there, his silver braids reaching almost to his waist. He looked Raven up and down, before turning and walking back the way he came. Raven sighed and followed him inside, then turned and closed the door.

“What are you doing in here that you cannot come out to eat?” Raven asked as he walked among the tables covered with everything from bows and Copyright 2016 - 2024