Seventh Seal - Jacquelyn Faye Page 0,11

The last thing I wanted to do was ruin the moment. Swallowing my discomfort, I smiled and nodded. "I'd love that."


"Hey, Bill. Coffee?"

"Yes, please. And two more slices of pie." He turned to me. "You want anything?"

"You're a shit."

"Yep. Yours."

Chapter 4

I knocked my phone off the nightstand trying to get the ringing to stop. When I bent over the edge of the bed and cracked my eyes open, Chief's name was flashing across the screen. Picking it up off the floor, I answered it quietly and snuggled back into Jason's arms.

"It's," I paused to pull the phone away from my ear and looked at the time, "six in the fucking morning. There better be a body or I'll make damn sure there is one."

"You read the paper yet?"

"You assume too much. One, that I could comprehend words at this ungoddessly hour. And two, that I read the paper."

"Grab a copy sometime today."

"Just save me yours. Give it to me at dinner."

"You might want to read it before then."

"How about you just give me the Cliff's notes version so I can go back to sleep?"

Jason's hand slid down my stomach and two of his fingers slipped between my thighs, gently rubbing me in his sleep. Maybe he was awake, it was hard to tell with him. Until he started nibbling my shoulder.

"How about I just read you the headline. Local witch threatens children in restaurant. Sound familiar?"

"Yeah, kinda. I wasn't threatening them, I was telling them I wouldn't hurt them. And they weren't kids, they were vampires."

"Yeah. I know. I was there, remember?"

"Vaguely." I let out a hiss of pleasure as Jason's fingers dipped inside me and spread my wetness over my rapidly hardening nub.

"And you're okay with this?"

"That I vaguely recall your presence at the time of the incident or that the paper is slandering my good name."

"Both." He chuckled.

I moaned as Jason's nibbles turned into him gripping the flesh of my shoulder between his teeth as his morning wood prodded my entrance. Bending at the waist, I exposed myself to him, easing his access. Without releasing me, he lined himself up and plunged into my depths. My moan turned into a groan as he filled me.

"Is somebody there with you?" From Chief's voice I could already tell he knew the answer to that.


"You're getting fucked right now, aren't you?"

"That's a bigger…maybe." I managed to get the words out between thrusts as I closed my eyes.

"That's really fucking sexy," Chief said with a little catch in his breath.

"You like…fuck…hearing me?"

"Yes. What are you wearing?"

"What I usually…oh goddess harder… What was I saying? What I usually wear to bed. Nothing."

"He's behind you, isn't he?"


"Hand cupping your breast, pulling you against him?"

"No. He's fingering my clit and biting my shoulder."

"Holy fuck."

"Are you hard, Chief?"

"What do you think?" There was the tiniest of groans as he pictured me getting railed while talking to him. He'd been spending a little too much time with Jimmy.

"Pull your cock out. Stroke it." I grunted with each thrust as Jason increased his rhythm.

"I'm at work."

"It's six. I sincerely doubt anybody is at the station but you. Shut your door, you're on an important phone call."

There was a moment of silence, but then I heard the door click shut. I couldn't hear him lowering his zipper, but I could picture it easily. Seeing him struggle to get his cock out of his pants was easy to imagine, too.

"What's he doing now?"

"He's fucking me harder, Chief. Oh wow. I think you listening excited him. He's palming my clit and spreading my lips with his fingers." I lifted my leg and threw it back over his, giving him more room to work my pussy with his fingers.

"Are you going to come soon?"

"Are you?"


"Good thing you have that drawer full of towels, huh." My grunting picked up pace as Jason frantically tried to push me over the edge. "Come for me, Chief. Like you did when you cuffed me on your desk."

"Oh, Lady," he whispered, and I could faintly hear him beating his meat over the connection.

Jason slammed into me, held himself for a moment, and then did it all over again. I could feel his cock spasming inside me, throbbing as he filled me with another load. Between that and knowing Chief was masturbating as he listened to our love making, my sanity didn't stand a chance as I cried out as I came.

"I'm coming…"

And I heard his grunts as Chief came over the other end of the phone. "Where?" Copyright 2016 - 2024