Seventh Seal - Jacquelyn Faye Page 0,10

the head bitch in charge, I can do what I want, right?"

Yuki and Amir exchanged a glance but nodded slowly.

"Good. Tell your mom to stay right where she is in that big assed house. George's father, too. And first order of business once the blood banks are in my name is every vampire in the clan no longer has to pay for blood." I grinned and took a bite of my pie.

"What?" They asked simultaneously.

"You friggin' heard me. When I heard your father was charging them, I wanted to kill him." My heart stopped when I realized what I said, but Yuki didn't seem fazed by my outburst at all. In fact, she smiled at me. "I can do that right?"

"You're the boss," she answered with a snicker.

"Enjoy your pie. I'm going to go spread that little bit of news with my brethren. That might make all of this a little easier." Amir patted my leg and got up, rejoining the other vampires.

"Think they'll be happy?" I ran my fork through the crust of the pie, opening its juicy entrails and letting it mingle with the vanilla ice cream.

Their cheer was answer enough.

"What's that all about?" Chief slid into the booth next to me. I hadn't heard the ding of the door over their cheer and he sat down before his aftershave made an appearance in my nose.

"Their team won the world cup. Hey, sexy." I leaned against him, stealing some of his calm and warmth. Happy for a moment until he picked up a spoon and stole a piece of my pie. The bastard. "Get your own!"

"Big Bird says share." He stuck his tongue out at me.

I tried to steal it back by kissing him. Our tongues fought for a moment before he swallowed with a chuckle.

"I'm going to fucking throw up now." Yuki got up and went to sit with the others.

"Poor kid. Can't stand to see the grownups fight over a piece of pie." He looked back at the table of vampires. You gonna tell me why they're so excited to be sipping coffee in a diner? And don't tell me it was about soccer. The world cup was a few weeks ago."

"Damnit. I knew I heard something about it. Figured it was a good excuse."

"Why were they all happy? I thought they were supposed to be broody."

"Do you really want to know?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't."

Sighing, I took another bite of pie before he ate it all. "Apparently, I'm the new vampire lord. Lady. Whatever."

"Woah." He huffed and stole another bite.

"Like I needed more on my plate."

"What are you talking about? There's plenty of room. The pie is almost gone."

"Quit eating it, and you know that's not what I meant."

He kissed my temple. "Well, if anybody can handle it, it's you."

"Gee, thanks."

"You're welcome. Need a pep talk about anything else?" His grin was infectious, and I found myself smiling alongside his goofy ass. Then I frowned. "What?"

"Picked up another roommate today, Bill."

"I know. I met him when I stopped by your house. Thanks for telling me, though."

"Don't look at me, I didn't know until today, either."

"You misunderstand. I was actually thanking you for telling me. I figured it would take you a couple days to build up the nerve." He grinned to soften the blow, even though it was accurate as fuck.

"We fight enough without outside help. Figured I'd nip it in the bud."

"Is he another mate or boyfriend…?"

"No." I sighed, still appreciating his lack of jealousy.

"Well, he thinks the world of you."


"You were all he talked about once he found out you were my girlfriend."

"Oh. Yes. He is very friendly for an evil dark elf." I chuckled. Ellis didn't have an evil bone in his body. His mother on the other hand… Noble but psycho.

"Well, how about I pick you up for dinner tomorrow and you can hide out at my place?"

I dropped my fork. It clattered against the plate and flung tiny bits of pie over the table. "What?"

"I'll pick you up for dinner and you can spend the night at my place if you want," he reiterated slowly for the dumb witches.

Since we'd been dating, I'd been at his house once. One time. Didn't even stay that long. It was almost a monument to his late wife, and I didn't feel comfortable there. Whenever Chief and I got together it was at my place, for him to invite me to his and spend the night was… It was kind of monumental. Copyright 2016 - 2024