Seventh Seal - Jacquelyn Faye Page 0,12

I had to ask.

"All over my fucking desk."

I chuckled as I imagined the sight.

There was a rumble as he set the phone down. Jason kissed my neck and shoulders as I lay there panting. Every few seconds, he'd pull back with his cock still inside me, and then push himself back against me. It sent micro spasms through my whole body with each slow thrust.

The phone rumbled again as Chief picked it back up. "Fuck that was hot."

"Still is. He's still slowly fucking me."

"He didn't come?"

"Yes. I'm very squishy right now."

"Don't say that name."

I chuckled. "Mmm. This feels good. You should come over and feel how wet I am."

"I'd rather feel how wet I'm going to make you tonight."


"Is it the dark elf or Dar?"


"Tell Jason I said good morning." He chuckled.

"How'd you know?"

"I'm a cop."

"Tell me?" I smiled at nothing, relishing at how cute Chief could be sometimes. Some. Times.

"If it's not the elf or Dar, then Dar is at Shea's. Jimmy and Dennis went fishing this morning. Ergo, Jason."

"You're so brilliant sometimes it scares me."

"You gonna add the dark elf to the mix?"

"Feeling cute, might fuck him later. I assume you like that idea since you keep bringing it up."

"The more the merrier. I'd be okay with Jaeren, too. Just be careful. He's probably into crayon play…"

I snorted into the phone. "See you tonight, sexy."

"Tonight," he said, and the line clicked dead.

"He sure is lightening up in his old age."

I tossed the phone on the nightstand, reached behind me, and swatted Jason on his ass. "I'm older than he is, pup."

"But you're so much hotter. And younger looking." He nibbled my ear as he whispered.

"Go back to sleep. You gotta get up in an hour."

"Oh, I'm wide awake now."

"Well, I'm not. Have fun. I'm going back to sleep." Pressing my ass back against him, I stuffed the pillow under my head and covered myself back up with the blanket.

∞ ∞ ∞

Jason unlocked the front door of the bookstore, pulling it open and letting Josie and Candace slip inside. I followed behind them and trailed them all the way to the coffee shop, waiting while they flipped the lights on, and Candace started a pot of regular old coffee for me.

"You look like hell, Lady," she said quietly as the machine slowly bubbled itself to life.

"Good. Then I look like I feel."

Josie went back out the front door to grab the stack of newspapers the delivery truck dropped off. When she came back and cut the tie, only then did I remember the real reason Chief had called that morning.

"Let me snag one of those for a minute, Jose."

"Since when do you read the paper?" She handed one to me and stacked the rest on the wire rack beside the trash can.

"Since I'm in it." I unfolded the paper and looked at the headline. Sure enough, it read exactly as Chief had said. There was even a picture of the front of the diner under the headline. Against my better judgement, I read the article.

The reporter, a Jake Bloom, hadn't even lied in the piece. He'd twisted the entire context and made me sound like a threatening monster, but he didn't lie. The rest of the article questioned the existence of witches and gave a brief history of facts and fiction about witches in general. Most of it was garbage, but incredibly well-written garbage. Scowling, I folded the paper and stuck it on the rack on top of all the others. Except for the one Josie was holding next to Candace as they read the article.

"Uh… The coffee is done."

They ignored me. Even Candace. She shot me a worried look when she finished reading. Josie would probably need a few more minutes. Without a word, Candace grabbed a cup and filled it, deftly slapped a lid on and a sleeve around it before she held it out for me. "Want a shot of espresso in it, Lady?"

"No thanks. I'll be in my office if you need me. Jason needs me to approve a few things." I waved over my shoulder as I headed for the checkout area and slipped behind the counter into the office. I couldn't even really call it my office. It was Jason's more than mine. He didn't even need me to sign the checks anymore since I'd proudly added him to the business account.

I glanced at the security monitors, there were people lining up outside the door and we still had fifteen minutes until the Copyright 2016 - 2024