The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,29

was the wolf she had fed just a few moments ago.

“So ye do have a pet. One who by the way she’s showing her teeth and will not hesitate to defend ye.” He took a step backward.

“Ye said she’s lame. Which means, I could possibly fight her off...kill her.”

In that moment, Dallis hated him. The wolf was not only lame, but she did have a litter of pups.

Fortunately, the door opened and the cook along with two maids walked out. They stopped at spotting them.

“Milady, ye fell?” Cook hurried forward not giving Cuthbert even a glance. “Let’s get ye up. Yer mother is looking for ye.”

Along with the three, Dallis hurried toward the door. Cook gave Cuthbert a long look over her shoulder. “No harm should ever come to the she wolf. She is protected by our clan.”

The warning was clear. The wolf was the clan’s mascot and part of the Sinclair crest. The animals were not harmed without provocation on their lands.

Still she worried, not just for the wolf, but also if Cuthbert dared approach her father. Something had to be done.

“There ye are,” her mother said as she neared. “Where have ye been? Ye are to be present when lairds visit, ye know that.”

Dallis followed her mother at a loss of what to think. “Cook just rescued me from that horrible Cuthbert. Mother, I beg of ye, do not allow it. He is cruel.”

Her mother studied her obviously believing her to be petulant. “Dear, he is a laird’s eldest son. Ye must understand that he must have been raised with expectation of becoming laird. Cuthbert Robertson is still an option.”

“I will never marry him. It will be the one time I go against Da.”

“Believe me, I understand. I don’t care for the man myself. However, it would be a marriage that would strengthen the bond between the clans. One day Cuthbert will be laird over the three clans.”

“I shudder to think about that. He is a cruel and unstable sort.”

“That we do agree upon.”

Dallis considered it for a moment. “Why didn’t Da insist on becoming laird of the clans? Guiles would make a much better leader.”

“Ye know the Robertson clan is the largest. His guard alone is almost twice the size of our entire clan.”

Considering the situation, Dallis understood why her parents would see her marriage to Cuthbert as a good idea. If ever there was a time to wish for something, it was that Cuthbert was not truly first born to the Robertson.

They entered the great room. The Macpherson party had departed, however the Robertson and Gordon remained. Although the lairds were absent, the wives and their companions remained. Entertaining visitors the last few days had become draining. Along with that, Dallis worried about what would happen with Alasdair.

If he left, then she’d have to forget him. A man who did not remain and fight for a woman, had no worth.

She joined Fiona at a table and accepted her friend’s hug. “Where is Alasdair?”

“I don’t know. It could be he left without saying goodbye.”

Her friend shook her head. “Mayhap, he went to get things in order so that he could return and ask for yer hand in marriage properly.”

“That I doubt.” Dallis let out a breath. “Tell me, did anything interesting happen?”

Fiona began to fill her in on what had occurred earlier. Mostly about the visiting laird’s daughter who always ignored them and about what the other women in the room wore and whom they flirted with.

Before long Dallis relaxed enough to eat and drink sweet mead. Her brother entered and lowered across from her and Fiona. “How fare ye, sister?” His question was of course not meant exactly as said. He was asking about Alasdair by his direct stare.

“Well. Waiting to see who comes next to see me.”

He nodded and leaned forward to whisper in Fiona’s ear. Fiona blushed and smiled widely. Her brother’s match would bring forth the best in him.

Although happy for her friend and brother, Dallis could not help the tinge of jealousy. “Fiona, ye must stop beaming so. Ye are hurting my eyes,” she chided her friend who elbowed her and laughed.

Morning came and Dallis got up quickly. She had to seek out Niven and find out what plans there were for the day when it came to Alasdair. Not only that, but also she would speak to her father and beg not to be married to Cuthbert. This was one instance where she’d do whatever possible, even admit to what happened Copyright 2016 - 2024