The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,28

beautiful while fulfilling yer duties as the laird’s daughter. One day ye will make a man of worth the perfect wife. Whoever the lucky bastard is will appreciate ye so very much.”

Dallis placed her hands flat on his chest and pushed away. “If ye won’t stay and fight for me, then ye are right. Ye do not deserve me.”

Turning on her heel, she dashed away, leaving behind a trail of lavender that Alasdair inhaled deeply.

How to fight? He’d never been faced with a dilemma like this. It was more than attraction between them. His instincts and every fiber of his body demanded he fight for her. Against every odd and with the knowledge it could cost him his life.

To what end? Nothing made much sense since meeting Dallis. She clouded his judgment and abilities. That had to be it.

Lowering to the ground, he unfolded the blanket to find another smaller bundle. Inside a cloth napkin were bread, cheese and dried meat. An apple and a dainty handkerchief were also included. He brought the embroidered fabric to his nose. It smelled of the food combined with her distinct lavender scent.

Letting out a long breath, Alasdair allowed his head to fall forward. What was next? He mentally calculated the amount of coin he’d earned over the years. It was more than enough to purchase land and have a house built. Several of his family members had managed to settle and have families, one of them held Alasdair’s earning in hidden coffers.

In all the years of meandering around the country, he’d always pushed away any thoughts of settling.

His mother would welcome a daughter through marriage, as he was an only child. Although his father was long dead, he’d left her with a well-built home in the village where he’d grown up. Surrounded by cousins, nieces and nephews, his mother lived a good life. Whenever he visited, she always begged him to remain and to marry a local girl and give her grandchildren.

While he ate, an idea formed.

Chapter 9

“It’s not safe for a woman to traipse in the forest at night.” Cuthbert blocked Dallis as she neared the side entrance to the keep.

She pretended to find humor in his words. “There is a lame mother wolf with pups. I feed them whenever I can.”

His head cocked to the side. “Surely ye can come up with a better tale than that. Who is he? The lover ye meet.”

Unable to keep from it, she pressed her lips in a tight line and glowered up at the annoying man. “Get out of my way.”

There was a large lump on his left temple from the fight earlier with Alasdair. Guiles informed her that Cuthbert’s guards had not attempted to help him, which spoke volumes of the man’s character.

“That is a nasty bump on yer face. What happened?”

“Low branch,” he mumbled, his eyes on her in challenge.

“Surely ye can come up with a better story than that.”

When she took a step forward, he moved to block her again. “I am going to ask yer father for yer hand in marriage. However, before I do ye that favor, I need to assure myself ye are indeed still a virgin.”

Cuthbert yanked Dallis forward by the shoulders and wrapped his arm around her waist while with his other hand, pulled up her skirt.

Although she tried, with his arm around her, it was hard to fight. She was much too close to be able to kick or lift her leg to knee Cuthbert between the legs.

“Let me go,” Dallis hissed. “I will scream.”

Somehow Cuthbert’s hand traveled up her thigh and she shook with revulsion and fear. “If ye do, then the guards will come and see us like this. Yer father will demand I make reparation and marry ye.”

He was right. Everything was always in the man’s favor.

Dallis struggled and bit his shoulder while doing her best to kick him. He groaned and loosened his hold on her just enough for her to move away. With the momentum of moving away, she stumbled forward onto the forest floor.

There was satisfaction in his expression, lips curved and eyes gleaming, as Cuthbert neared and stood over her. He was a cruel man who’d mistreat his wife. See her more like a belonging than a human. It was clear in the way he enjoyed the current situation, he did not particularly care for her.

When he reached for her again, a growl sounded, and Cuthbert stared toward the forest. Dallis didn’t have to look to know it Copyright 2016 - 2024