The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,27

scouts had caught sight of the Macpherson’s travel and had alerted Laird Robertson.

Squatting down, he narrowed his eyes and kept watch over what happened. In all probability, the Macpherson came to check for himself if the rumors of the clans joining were true.

After a long while of not sensing anything horrible occurring, Alasdair moved away from sight to wait.

The day was ending and still Niven had not appeared. Alasdair remained near the cave. Once nightfall came, he’d sleep there having already gathered plenty of twigs and such to make a bed elevated from the damp ground.

Footsteps crunched and he ducked into the mouth of the cave. Hand hovering over his sword, Alasdair kept his gaze focused in the direction of where the sounds came.

Although her head was covered with the hood of her cape, he recognized the figure that emerged. Dallis looked one way and then the other, hesitating and listening before moving closer. Smart lass. Obviously well trained in ensuring not to be followed.

Still she did not go to the cave directly but instead walked in a circle looking up at the trees before scanning her surroundings again.

As soon as she stepped into the cave, Alasdair pulled her against him and covered her mouth with his.

“What are ye doing here?” He tried to sound perturbed, but it was impossible. He was happy to see her and to hold the enticing woman in his arms. “Ye shouldn’t have come. It’s too dangerous.”

“I had to see ye. Niven is detained by his duties to my father, as is Guiles. I am the only one who they trusted to come and tell ye what happens.”

He stood still and listened for any sounds which would identify human interlopers in the area. There were sounds, mostly wind through the leaves and small animals. To him, it was easy to tell the difference the presence of a human makes.

Dallis bent over to recover a bundle she’d dropped. “I brought ye food, a wine skin and a light blanket. I am not sure when Niven or Guiles will get away.” She met his gaze. “Why did ye feel the need to flee? Do ye know the Macpherson?”

“No. I felt that I had to, and I do what my instincts tell me. I am not sure my presence would be welcome during this time. Why is the Macpherson here?”

She hesitated for a moment. “To know if it was true that our clans united. He hasn’t said specifically, other than to state he came to speak to father about border troubles.”

“Do not trust him or any of his people.”

There was doubt in Dallis’ expression as she studied him. “Yer leaving gives me suspicions. If ye’re working with the Macpherson, I will find out and regardless of how I feel about ye, I will not defend ye.”

His lips curved. “Spoken like a true daughter of the laird. I assure ye, I am not. As a matter of fact, I don’t recall ever meeting the man or any of his people. Ye must understand that I have to take great care. If I am accused of witchcraft, my demise would quickly follow. Although I do not fear death, I do not relish burning at the stake.”

“So ye do not plan to remain and see what happens between us then?” There was a challenge in the way her chin jutted out. “I shouldn’t be surprised. Men do not cherish intimacy like women do.”

He reached for her and Dallis took a step back. “Don’t say anything that ye don’t mean,” she snapped. “I should have expected as much.”

“That without knowing me and following only our strong connection, ye trusted me with such a precious gift is something I will always cherish Dallis.” He cupped her face with both hands and peered into her eyes. “Believe this. My stomach churns at the idea that one day ye will belong to someone else. I don’t wish to remain here and witness it.”

He pressed his forehead against hers. “I don’t know what I could possibly do to deserve ye. Yer da would never agree to a match between ye, his only daughter, to a man like me.”

“My father is a fair man.”

Unable to resist, once again he kissed her, their mouths responding to the call of attraction. Their bodies hummed with need, a need that would not be fed. This was not the time for weakness.

“If yer father is fair, then he will dissuade ye from this. I couldn’t look away today. Ye were so Copyright 2016 - 2024