The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,30

between her and Alasdair, to keep from marrying a fool.

After two quick raps at the door, a maid hurried into her chamber. “My lady, the laird requests ye come down to his study immediately.”

“What happens?”

“I can’t say,” the maid replied, wringing her hands. “However, I can tell ye, yer father is furious.”

Heart thudding, Dallis rushed to dress and after a couple strokes with the comb left her hair down. She followed the maid downstairs as the girl seemed too scared to return without her.

“Hurry my lady,” the girl urged her. “He demanded I did not even give ye time to dress.”

“What?” Dallis wondered what had happened. If Cuthbert had lied about the day before, she would kill him.

They entered the study only for her to stop and stare. In the room were only Guiles, her parents, and Alasdair.

After meeting Alasdair’s flat stare, she looked to Guiles who was expressionless and then to her father.

Nostrils flared and jaw clenched, he stood and glared at her. “Is what this man says true? Ye gave yerself to him? Or did he take advantage of ye?”

Dallis swallowed past the dryness in her throat. Why had Alasdair come to her father? “Tis true.”

A gasp sounded as her mother pressed a hand flat on her chest. “Dallis...”

“Do not say anything,” her father snapped at his wife. “Dallis be truthful. If this man accosted ye, he will be flogged and banished.”

“He speaks the truth. I went to his chambers. I went willingly. I did not wish for Cuthbert to have my maidenhead.”

She dared a glance at Guiles, hoping he didn't have both hands around Alasdair’s neck. Instead her brother seemed more interested in what transpired between her and their father.

“Why him?” The laird slid a look to Alasdair.

The entire time, Alasdair stood straight, shoulders back with his right hand resting atop his sword. He didn't seem ill at ease, but more as if he’d come to offer his services and awaited a reply.

Dallis met his gaze however and saw warmth. He’d come for her, to fight, to accept whatever price her father set.

“Because I care for him,” she admitted. “I wish to be with him.”

“The decision of whom ye are with and marry is not yers,” her father said in a calmer voice. “It is our responsibility as the head of our clan to do what is best for the people over and above our own desires.”

“I understand Father,” Dallis replied. “However, Guiles marrying Fiona will bond us with the Gordon clan. The Robertson will become our leader and after him, his son, whom I fear will not make a good laird.”

Her father brushed her words away. “The Robertson is well aware his son is lacking in ability and plans to name a successor other than Cuthbert. We are hoping it will be Guiles. However, that has nothing to do with the current situation.”

“Laird, I have offered my services as ye require. I wish to marry Dallis and do not take what happened between us lightly,” Alasdair proclaimed.

Her father looked to her and his wife. “Leave us.”

Chapter 10

Anger emanated from Laird Sinclair, and Alasdair did not blame the man for his ire. It was, however, the only way he could come up with not losing Dallis. As a member of the guard and perhaps other work as the laird saw fit, he could claim some honor.

“Do ye have land? A home?” the laird asked through clenched teeth.

“I do not. I have coffers of money, more than enough to purchase sizable land and build a home in the north to live in.”

The laird was an astute man. “Niven claims ye are his cousin. Is that true?”

Guiles slid him a look. It was hard to tell what he wished him to say. Instead of replying, Alasdair concentrated on the emotions in the room, wishing to glean what was the best direction to go.

“He and I are related.”

The laird looked to the doorway. “Call Niven.” One of the guards rushed off.

Moments later, Alasdair and Niven walked together out of the keep gates after the laird informed them he needed time to consider what would be done.

Alasdair looked to his friend. “Ye know him better than most. What do ye think he’ll decide to do?”

“I don’t think he will trust ye to take Dallis away. If he agrees to allow ye to marry, ye will both remain here.”

It was not what he wished, but in a way, not surprising since at the moment he did not have a home to take Copyright 2016 - 2024