The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,18

thicker patch of hair. “Talk?” His gaze kept hers. “Of course. Ye will have to forgive me, but I cannot get up. I am without clothing as ye have observed.”

Clearing her throat, Dallis moved closer. “Yes...well. I would like to ask ye some questions.”

“I am all ears.”

“What do ye see in my future?”

He let out a breath and his gaze swept over her. “It’s best if I don’t say anything.”

“That is utterly unfair. Ye told both Niven and Guiles what to expect.”

“Come closer.” He held out a hand and Dallis took it. A shudder of awareness traveled through her. His thick and calloused fingers curled over hers. “Allow me.”

He brought her hand to his mouth, pressing his lips against her palm. “Do ye feel it? Desire?”

Unable to keep from it, Dallis’ breathing hitched. She did. Not just arousal, but a need so strong, she wasn’t sure how to not fall into the bed with him. Somehow she managed to snatch her hand away. “That I find ye attractive is not news. I need to know...”

“We will make love Dallis. I do not see a betrothal to Cuthbert Robertson. Which is what ye wished to know. I do not sense much when it comes to ye.”

She took two steps backward. Choosing to ignore the first thing he said, she focused on the betrothal. “I will refuse to marry someone who I do not wish to. Even if father insists.”

“Can ye really refuse?”

Of course, she could not. Whatever the lairds decided was final law. The thought that her first time making love and giving her body would be to a man she disliked made her wince. “I have no with to allow someone like Cuthbert to be my first lover.”

Alasdair’s gaze fell. “I know.” He held out his hand once again. And this time Dallis came willingly.

Pushing the gown from her shoulders, Dallis allowed the garment to fall to the floor pooling around her feet. She only wore a chemise under, which was dispatched next. The way Alasdair’s gaze traveled over her body emboldened as well as aroused her until her legs could barely keep her upright.

He slipped from the bed and walked to where she was, pulling her against him as his lips took hers in a kiss so ravaging, it took all her breath. “Do ye wish me to be yer first?”

“Yes.” Dallis’ breathy response was all she could manage to say.

Slipping his arm under her legs, Alasdair lifted her as if she were weightless and carried her to the bed. Once there, he lowered her to the bedding carefully, the entire time, his gaze locked to hers.

When he straightened, Dallis seized the opportunity to observe his entire body. Not only was he perfectly formed, but she noted everything about his appearance. The closely cropped hair, his bearded jawline and perfectly formed lips. There was something primal about him, the way he stood as if always on alert.

Below his flat stomach, his hard sex jutted out from a patch of dark hair. The member was larger than she expected a man’s sex to be. Dallis considered how it would feel for them to join.

Her hand trembled when she reached out to touch him. “Ye are so different from other men I’ve seen bereft of clothes.”

“Where have ye seen nude men?”

She met his gaze and smiled. “At the loch’s edge. Bathing.”

“Cool water affects a man in a way that makes our sex smaller.” He told her moving closer so that she could touch his hardness.

At first she ran a finger down the length. The skin was soft, smooth and warm. His stomach shifted with each breath and Dallis was aware her touch affected him. Wrapping her hand around his shaft, she held it for a moment. Just as she was about to slide her hand down to the patch of hair, he took it.

“I cannot withstand yer exploration without losing myself. Perhaps later ye can do what ye please. First, I must make love to ye.”

Alasdair come over her, pausing for a moment to look into her eyes. “Ye can tell me to stop at any time. I will.”

The last thing on her mind at the moment was to tell him to stop. Quite the opposite, her body hummed with anticipation.

Dallis almost cried with relief when his mouth took hers. Each touch of his lips as he pressed kisses from one end of her mouth to the other made her want him more. Dallis parted her lips to allow his tongue Copyright 2016 - 2024