The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,17

going to speak to our parents?”

“Aye.” He walked with the assurance of a warrior. “Alasdair remains here. He is down the hall from yer room. I’m not sure how long he will remain.”

Her stomach pitched. “Why are ye telling me this?”

Guiles shrugged. “He asked me to. Said he has something to inform ye of before he leaves.”

“I need to speak to mother.” She walked alongside her brother and waited as he knocked on the door.

It was their father who opened the door and stepped back to allow them in. “Ah, I expected ye’d have questions.”

Their mother sat on the bed, her hair down. She looked to them both and then met her husband’s gaze. “Dallis, come sit here with me.”

Dallis did as she bid but Guiles remained standing and looked to their father. “How did ye know about what we planned?”

The laird shook his head. “As leader of Clan Sinclair, it is my duty to be informed. To have eyes and ears everywhere. Although I agreed with yer cause, neither of ye should have ever started something like that without informing me.” He met Dallis’ gaze before looking directly at Guiles. “That is why I did not trust ye with my plans.”

A red blush traveled from her brother’s neck up to his face. “So, it was ye that planned the joining of the clans?”


“Does this mean I don’t have to get married then,” Dallis insisted.

“Our link to the Robertson is strong due to friendship,” their father began. “It is well known that the Gordon and I have never been keen on each other. With marriages between the clans, it will ensure stronger bonds.”

Their mother looked to Guiles. “When I happened upon ye and Fiona outside, I told yer father who then spoke to Lady Gordon. They both agreed it was for the best in case a child came to be.”

“I ensure that that sort of thing doesn’t happen,” Guiles snapped, his face now bright red. “I am not a stupid lad.”

Their parents’ gazes met, a silent communication between them. Her mother smiled.

“What?” Dallis asked her. “Why are ye smiling?”

“If ye must know, yer father assured me to be careful so that I would not come to be with child before our marriage took place. And there stands Guiles.”

Guiles gawked at his mother. “Augh. Did ye have to share that with us?”

“Go, get some rest.” Their father motioned to the door. “Tomorrow the clans will break fast together. It may be another day before the lairds return to spread the news to their people. We must have our guards prepare in case the Macpherson is stupid enough to take action against us all.”

As they reached the door, their mother spoke. “Guiles see that ye spend time with Fiona in the morning and make plans to visit with her family soon.”

Guiles nodded and slid an ‘I don’t like ye right now’ look at Dallis. “I will Mother.”

What would happen once the news got to the Macpherson? Dallis wondered if the seer knew more than he’d shared. She waited until she and Guiles were out of their parents’ earshot. “Did the seer say anything more about our future to ye?”

“Other than predicting that Niven and I would marry and revealing what the Tavish brothers were doing, he’s not said anything else. I will speak to him in the morning before he leaves.”

“Right.” Dallis continued toward her room while Guiles headed down the stairs, probably to find ale.

Once at her door, she looked toward the doorway to where Alasdair was. Why had he revealed something to everyone but her? After looking over her shoulder to ensure no one was about, she crept to his chamber and slowly opened the door.

He lay sprawled across the bed, the bedding slipping precariously low on his hips. The man’s body was on full display. Dallis could not keep from allowing her gaze to travel over it. From wide shoulders to a strong chest and flat stomach, he tapered to a trim waist. From the bit she could see, a feathering of hair went down the center of his chest to below his stomach.

He had brown hair that had been lightened by the sun, yet now in the moonlight it appeared darker. She imagined the depth of his eyes and glanced up to find he studied her.

“I-I came to speak to ye,” Dallis stuttered, hating she’d been caught ogling him.

Alasdair lifted up to one elbow and Dallis’ eyes widened as the bedding slipped a bit lower to reveal a Copyright 2016 - 2024