The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,19


Never did she imagine, the taste of a man would drive her to lose control.

At once his hands roved over her body, touching her in places that sent her reeling with wonderous feelings like those she’d never felt.

Needing to discover as much as possible, she slid her hands down his back, to his sides and up his muscular arms. Every inch of him was solid, hard and at the same time gave her comfort. How could a man like him bring her to the point of so much bliss?

The moment he gently entered her, Dallis was overcome with emotion. The pain of tearing was not horrible, but it was not the reason she cried. It was that she wished to be there, in his arms forever. It would only be this night and after, she’d be forced to marry another.

Alasdair hesitated, his body suspended. “I am sorry to hurt ye. Do not cry.” He pressed his lips to the sides of her eyes, kissing away her tears. “Please.”

Her chuckle was soft. “I do not cry because I am in pain. I wish ye not to stop moving. It feels so... pleasant.”

“Then why?”

This was not the time for conversation. Although not experienced in lovemaking, Dallis was well aware of what her body demanded in that moment.

“Move now.” She grabbed his bottom to emphasize her point.

As soon as he slid further in and then moved out, she moaned. “Yes.”

Alasdair encompassed all, took her body and mind away until Dallis thought she’d die from so many wonderful sensations. She climbed to heights from which falling was inevitable. Floating down to her body only to find he continued to take her fully until the climb ensued once again.

He was hard, strong and not gentle, yet at the same time seemed to take great care, as if not wishing to hurt her in any way. Dallis trusted him fully, knowing instinctively they were not just joining physically, but also in a way that would bring them together with an unbreakable bond.

When he buried himself deep within her and cried out in release, it felt as if she shattered like glass, unable to do more than moan and grasp at his shoulders.

And like anything once broken, she’d come back together, but forever changed.

He fell over her, the weight of his body so perfect.

“Why were ye crying?” He was breathless, which in a way made her want to giggle with joy.

Dallis considered how to answer. “I have no idea.”

Thankfully he did not persist, instead rolled to his side bringing her to lay over his chest.

“Do ye sense the true reason Cuthbert wishes to marry me? Does he have bad intentions?” Dallis lay with her leg over Alasdair’s and her head on his chest. The steady beat of his heart lulling her to relax.

“Not totally. He desires ye. I sense the main reason for asking for ye as his wife is because he wishes to have stronger control of yer clan once he becomes laird.”

“What should I do?”

“That is not something I can help ye with.”

She let out a sigh. Soon she’d have to leave and go to her chamber. Being found in Alasdair’s rooms would only bring down her father’s ire on him. Then again, it could mean she’d not be married off to Cuthbert.

Dallis pressed a kiss to Alasdair’s chest as she pondered what to do next.

Chapter 7

Guiles made his way from the great room up the stairwell toward his bedchamber.

His head felt as if he’d banged it against several walls. Why he’d drank so much was not clear other than he’d enjoyed the time at the guard’s quarters until passing out the night before.

The bright sun through the windows didn’t help him as a sunray flashed across his face. “Blasted light.” He held up a hand to shield from it.

“What happened to ye? Ye look dreadful.” Fiona appeared at the top of the stairs. Sun touched on her hair making her appear like an angel from heaven.

His stomach pitched and not in a good way and he clutched it with both hands. “I have a headache.” He stumbled up a couple more steps only to stop when Fiona backed away.

“Ye smell horrible.” Her eyes narrowed. “Ye’re drunk. Is the idea of marrying me so disgusting that ye feel the need to drink all night?”

This was not the time for conversation. If his stomach churning was any indication, he was about to vomit all over her shoes. “Nay, why would ye think that?”

Unfortunately, he heaved and Copyright 2016 - 2024