Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,51

love with a man that didn’t…couldn’t…love her back!

Love her? She scoffed. The man was a master in bed, but he didn’t have emotions. He couldn’t love! He was emotionless!

Unless it was anger. Or passion…Amit didn’t allow himself to become angry very often. Lust, desire, and passion…yeah, he easily showed those emotions. Everything else, he hid behind a professional façade, looking to the world as if he were a powerful, confident ruler.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the bed, staring up at the ceiling. “This isn’t doing anyone any good,” she whispered and pushed herself to her feet. She resumed packing, barely bothering to fold her clothes as she stuffed them into the suitcase. When her fingers came to the papers she’d stuffed in there so many weeks ago, she paused, then pulled them out.

Looking down at the drawings scattered on the bed, she felt the tears well up again. Tears of sadness and pain as she stared at herself. There was love in her eyes as she stared back at Amit from the drawings. He’d drawn her like that, so he must know how she felt.

And yet, he’d never confronted her about her feelings, never asked her if it was true. He simply drew what he saw. Her finger trailed over the paper, her heart aching for what could never be.

With a heavy sigh, she turned to toss the pictures into the trash. But before her fingers could release the pages, she stopped, turned back to her suitcase and tucked them into her suitcase with her clothes.

“I might not have his love,” she announced to the empty room. “But I do have his pictures.”

With that, she closed the suitcase and zipped up the sides. Hefting it off of the bed, she looked around. “I’ve probably missed something, but I’m not going to wait around to find it.”

Taking out her phone, she pulled up the airline flights. There was a flight heading to Virginia in a few hours. It would have to do, even though she’d sort of hoped that she’d have another day, a full day to say goodbye to everyone and…

Oh, who was she kidding? She wanted one more night in Amit’s arms. She wanted more time, more blissful moments with Amit, more beautiful pleasure in his arms and more time to show him how much she loved him.

And yet, what would that do? Was he going to get down on his knee and beg her to stay? She snorted at the idea. Amit didn’t beg anyone, and he certainly didn’t get down on one knee. Not for her! Besides, he’d had plenty of time to tell her his feelings if he’d been so inclined.

She stopped, realizing that she’d never told him how she felt either. And she’d had just as many opportunities.

“Just go,” she whispered to herself.

Before she could stop herself, she pulled her suitcase out of the apartment without looking back. She made her way towards the nursery where Elsa and Ellora would be working with their tutor.

Sure enough, the girls were sitting on the carpet, working with puppets, giggling and chirping as the tutor asked questions.

“You ladies sound like you’re having fun,” Harper said during their next break.

Both girls stood up and rushed over to her. “Harper!” they yelled, throwing themselves at her and hugging her. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to say goodbye,” she explained, kneeling down so that she was at their eye level. “I have to go home. My job starts in a few weeks and I have to get things set up.”

The girls looked stunned. “You’re leaving? But…why?”

Harper’s heart ached even more. “It’s not for forever,” she whispered. “I’m definitely coming back. But I have to go back to my home. Your uncle hired me to help you learn to talk about your grief. And now, you’re better. You’re happy and,” she looked at them carefully, “I want both of you to continue to get stronger, okay? No more silence! It doesn’t work and you’ll just get more sad, okay?”

The girls nodded slowly. “Okay,” they said, almost in unison. “But…couldn’t you stay for a little while longer?” Elsa added.

Harper wanted to tell them that she could, that she’d love to stay and play with them or make another cake with them or go swimming or…anything! But she had to do this. It was better this way. “I have to go. But I’ll come back for a visit. And maybe you two could come Copyright 2016 - 2024