Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,50

letting his fingers skim down her body and leaning forward to take one taut nipple into his mouth.

Harper wanted to ask more, but just like every time Amit made love with her, he overwhelmed her with his touch. The room was filled with the sounds of her gasps and moans. When he entered her this time, the love she felt was so intense, she could barely stop herself from screaming her feelings.

And after the hurricane of pleasure subsided, he wrapped his arms around her and turned out the light before they drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 18

Harper watched as Talia swam in the pool with Ellora and Elsa. The girls were giggling and splashing, eagerly trying to outswim their aunt.

In other words, her job here was done. Harper had tried to think of ways to extend her stay here in Izara. She’d gone to several additional schools, talked with parents and administrators, people who she hadn’t originally intended to be part of the research project. She’d written up an outline of her research paper and discussed her findings with several hospital administrators and therapists in the area.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t think of anyone else that might add to her study. It was time to go.

Turning away from the scene, she walked slowly back to her suite. With tears in her eyes, she pulled the suitcase out of her closet and started packing. Angrily, she wiped at the tears, but they kept coming. It was as if her tears were a parallel to the ending. As much as she tried to avoid that ending, her departure, it was coming and she couldn’t stop it.

Angrily, Harper turned and yanked open a drawer. “Tears as a parallel?” She scoffed at the ridiculous thought. “This sucks! This is just…!” She hated this whole situation! She wanted to go to Amit and beg him to love her. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him!

She knocked a pile of loose pages onto the floor and stooped to collect them. Her hand stilled as she realized they were drawings. There were so many of them. Amit had drawn her in so many positions that it boggled her mind. He’d drawn several of her sleeping, his talent coming through in the minute details of her lashes or her legs, even her toenails were precisely drawn.

Sitting down, she stared at her favorite drawing. She was sitting in one of the courtyards, leaning back on her hands with her face lifted to the sunshine. Harper had no idea when he’d drawn this one, but she loved it. She saw herself relaxed, her lips curved into a dreamy smile. Plus, she had her clothes on! Harper smiled as she sifted through the drawings, almost all of them were of herself in his bed in various states of undress.

Bowing her head, she thought about the nights she’d shared with Amit, how every touch, every look, every conversation with him was so precious to her. She loved him. She loved him so completely, it terrified her.

She wished she could tell him how she felt. But if she did, what would happen? What would she do with her life here? Her job, her friends, her family…everything familiar to her was back in the United States. Her students needed her! And what’s more, she needed them…didn’t she?

A small voice in the back of her mind whispered that she needed Amit more.

But she understood that this was just a fling for Amit. A casual affair. Harper knew that she wasn’t special to Amit. He had a country to run and a world to pacify. He had two little girls who looked to him as their father figure.

He didn’t have time for her.

“Damn it!” she groaned, shoving things into her suitcase with a fury that was entirely unlike her. “This isn’t fair!”

How many times had she heard those words from her patients? How many times had the wife or husband snapped that it wasn’t fair when someone had an affair or that their child was addicted to drugs? Or when a spouse died unexpectedly?

Life wasn’t fair, she thought with increasing resentment. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. It was just life and pretty often, life sucked!

Instead of finding comfort in those words, Harper dissolved into tears. She cried so hard, her knees gave out and she slid from the bed to the floor, her hands over her face as she wept at the horrible unfairness of the world and the fact that she’d stupidly fallen in Copyright 2016 - 2024