Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,52

visit me?” She stroked the pair of dark heads gently. “I’d really like it if you girls could talk with me on video. Maybe tomorrow when I get things set up? I could show you my office and you could show me the new pictures you’ve drawn? Could you do that for me?”

The girls’ eyes widened. “Your office. We could see it?”

Harper nodded. “Absolutely! We could do a video chat and I can show you everything. And we can talk whenever you want. Okay?”

Elsa shifted. “So, if we can see you whenever we want, it’s not like you’re leaving completely, right?”

Ellora seemed to understand where her sister was heading with that question. “It will be like you’re still here with us, just not here next to us.”

Harper nodded, smiling even though her heart was breaking. “Yeah, it will be like I’m sorta still here with you.”

She smiled, hugged them one more time, then stood up. “Okay, so head on back to your tutor now and know that I’ll check in with you very soon, okay?”

“Tomorrow!” Elsa emphasized, her hazel eyes narrowing so much like her uncle’s, it was almost scary. “You said tomorrow!”

Harper laughed despite the pain in her chest. “Yes. Tomorrow I’ll call you and we’ll chat, okay?”

The girls smiled, appeased, then returned to the front of the room where their tutor sat, patiently waiting for them.

Turning, Harper left the room. “This next one is going to be harder,” she muttered, towing her suitcase behind her.

Amit nodded to the jeweler. “This one,” he decided, picking up a diamond ring. It wasn’t the largest, but that was fine because he doubted Harper would want a large diamond. But this ring was perfect. Emerald cut with a platinum setting, he knew it was the one he wanted to see on her finger.

The jeweler bowed slightly, closing up the box and backing out of the office. Amit wouldn’t deal with the payment of the ring. Rashid would ensure that the jeweler received payment. Hell, Amit wasn’t even sure how much the ring had cost, nor did he care. He wanted to find Harper and present the ring to her, to convince her to stay here in Izara and marry him, stay with him for the rest of their lives.

It was a good match, he told himself. She was smart, witty, fun to be with, easy to talk with, and…hell, they lit the sheets on fire every time they touched! If that wasn’t the basis for a good marriage, he didn’t know what was.

Turning around, he was just about to call Rashid when something occurred to him and he laughed. It was so revolutionary, Amit could barely understand how it had happened. Quickly, he smothered his amusement. Later, he told himself. When he was alone, he would pull that realization out and revel in the fact that he was…well, later. Right now, Amit had about fifty issues that he needed to deal with, decisions to make, and reports to review. Still, he shook his head as he thought about what had just occurred to him. He was in love with Doctor Harper Ross! Completely, madly in love with her!

Rashid knocked on the door, then pushed it open, peering inside to ensure that Amit was alone. “I apologize for the interruption, Your Highness, but Doctor Ross is here to speak with you.”

Amit turned and looked at his assistant, smothering his resentment at the intrusion. There was always something, he thought. But then Rashid’s words registered and his resentment evaporated. “Harper is here? Why are you waiting? You know she can interrupt me anytime, Rashid.”

The smaller man looked nervous and he stepped completely into the room, closing the door behind him carefully. “She has her suitcase with her, Your Highness.”

Amit didn’t understand. “Why would she…?” he trailed off as he realized the significance. “She’s leaving?”

Rashid nodded slowly, watching Amit’s face. “That is my understanding.”

Amit’s fingers closed around the ring in his hand. He blinked at Rashid…but didn’t really see the man as he schooled his features, careful not to reveal anything.

Suddenly, he remembered Harper’s face last night, the smothered longing in her eyes. He’d known something was wrong but…last night, she’d come into his arms just like all the other nights. Hell, she’d been more eager last night, almost desperate.

Because she’d known. She’d known that she was leaving today.

Why hadn’t she said something? Why hadn’t she warned him?

Rashid stood in the doorway, looking awkward and uncomfortable, not sure what to do. It was probably the Copyright 2016 - 2024