SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,32

the people missing,” Ethan ascertained.

Grayson nodded. “Hailey saw her in the building right before the bombing, but after that, she disappeared.”

“Kimberly Turner doesn’t work in the general’s office,” Commander Hutchinson said. “As you’re aware, it’s believed someone assigned there was leaking information, working with someone in Sayed’s group.”

“And Kim was only there for reserve duty,” Grayson said. “She wasn’t assigned to Bagram and wouldn’t have access to all the information people stationed there might.”

“She’s a civilian?” Logan asked.

“Reservist,” Grayson said. “I think she’s a DOD contractor. That’s how she and Hailey met back in Arlington.”

“Well hell,” Blake said. “If she’s not even based in his office, she can’t be the mole. So why the hell is she missing?”

“No one thinks she’s involved,” their commander said dryly. “I was only mentioning it because neither of the missing are from the office where we believe the mole is. The destroyed section of the building has been searched completely. Dogs were brought in, specialized recovery teams. She’s gone.”

“Kidnapped?” Jackson asked with a frown. “It’s doesn’t sound like she’d go AWOL.”

“Can a reservist even go AWOL?” Logan asked, scrubbing his hand over his jaw.

“Technically, yes, while she’s on her assignment,” Blake said. “Who’s the second person?”

“Another woman assigned to a different area on base,” Commander Hutchinson informed the men.

“How the fuck would someone kidnap them? The front gate was heavily guarded by that point. How could anyone even leave?” Troy said, clenching his jaw. He pounded his fist on the table, looking agitated. As much as all the men on the team felt it was their duty to rescue civilians, Troy always seemed to have a soft spot for women. He had several younger sisters and was naturally the protective type.

“Shit,” Grayson muttered. “A terrorist attacking U.S. forces, a possible kidnapping.”

“Your team will move in and capture Sayed,” their commander said. “We need him alive to find out who he’s working with, who on base is involved. If it’s an American, they’ll be charged with treason. Americans have died because of his attacks, and now two American women are missing as well.”

“He’s a fucking monster,” Troy muttered.

“We don’t know that he was behind the kidnapping,” Blake said, his eyes blazing.

“Hell, we don’t even know for sure if there was a kidnapping,” Grayson muttered.

“Which makes it all the more imperative that he’s found. It may provide us with information on the two missing Americans, and it will prevent further attacks on U.S. and allied forces stationed there. Find Sayed so we can get our damn answers. You’ll be leaving within the hour,” Commander Hutchinson said. “He’s not going to slip through our fingers this time. Understood?”

“Yes, sir,” the men hastily said.

Their commander dismissed them, and Grayson muttered a curse as they went to gather their gear before getting onto the C-17 that would take them across the Atlantic. Blake glanced over at Grayson, raising his eyebrows.

“I can’t tell Hailey I’m leaving. She’s got her meeting at the Pentagon today and doesn’t have her phone with her. Not that I could say much anyway. I’m going to have to send her a damn text and let her know that she won’t hear from me for a while.”

“She’s DOD. She’ll understand that you have to get sent out.”

“Maybe. I was hoping to explain a little when she got out here though—that I can’t say where I’m going or how long I’ll be gone. She knows I’m a SEAL, but I don’t know that she fully understands how secretive everything is. I’ve talked to her every night this week but haven’t even taken her out on a date yet. It just fucking sucks that I can’t say goodbye to her. I don’t want her to think I’m blowing her off.”

Blake clenched his jaw, frowning. Grayson knew his friend had gotten in a quick call to Clarissa to let her know he was leaving. And the first op they’d left on had been the one where he’d met Hailey. Being a SEAL was rough on relationships, but Blake lived with his girl. He’d kissed her and made love to her. Saw her every damn day. Grayson was just getting to know Hailey—and it killed him to up and go without even the chance to say goodbye.

“She’ll understand,” Blake assured him. “She’s smart and an employee with DOD. She knows how the military works.”

Grayson shook his head as the men went to get their gear. “I hope so. It’s not like I have a damn choice.”


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