SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,33

the sofa in her parents’ living room later that afternoon. Her meeting at the Pentagon had gone well, but it had hurt like hell to walk through those long corridors when she was still recovering from her injuries. She should’ve asked for a wheelchair or something—not that she wanted to look weak and incompetent.

Much to her surprise, they’d asked her to head out to California a week early. The personnel office she’d met with had said the current employee in her new position wanted to train her. Since she was stateside and not still overseas in Bagram, Hailey had agreed. She’d stay in a hotel since her lease didn’t start for another week, but she was excited to get out there.

She’d have time to learn the area around San Diego and hopefully buy some new clothes and things. Her furniture was already being trucked across the country in order to be ready for her when she arrived. The moving company would hold it in storage there, and then she’d move into her apartment in a week.

Sipping a cup of tea, she checked her messages. Her parents had both gone into work today. They’d taken several days off to help her at home, but she was glad they were getting back to their own lives, and she had to admit, she was looking forward to a few hours alone.

Usually she didn’t hear from Grayson much during the day, but she wanted to let him know she’d be moving out there sooner rather than later and eagerly clicked the messages app on her phone. Frowning, she saw that she already had a brief message from him.

The guys and I have to head out. I’ll touch base as soon as we’re back. I hope your meeting today went well. -Grayson

Head out…where? On another mission? Back to Bagram?

She frowned, wishing she knew more and had a chance to talk to him. Usually his texts were somewhat flirty and he called her sweetheart. This just seemed all business, like he’d been in a rush.

Hi. The meeting went well, and I’m actually moving a week earlier than expected. Are you still there?

She didn’t expect him to reply immediately and turned on the TV while she finished her tea. Her ribs ached, and she tried to get comfortable on the sofa. Half an hour later, she still hadn’t heard back. She didn’t know exactly how things worked with Grayson’s team, but it had been several hours since he’d sent his text to her. Was he already gone?

She sent him one more text.

I’m guessing you left already. I wish we could’ve talked again. Be careful. -Hailey

Trying not to worry, she put her mug in the kitchen sink and went back to her bedroom. It was weird to have nothing to do in the middle of the afternoon. She was used to being at work every day, being around her coworkers and the women she’d befriended on base. Normally there weren’t enough hours in the day to get all her work done.

And now?

She couldn’t seem to find anything to fill her time.

Her friends here in Arlington were all at work, since it was a weekday. She didn’t really have things to pack or unpack since they were either already in storage or had been ruined in the explosion.

She was just…here. Restless. Worried about Grayson, if she admitted it to herself. She barely even knew him but felt like she was falling harder each day. And now she wouldn’t get to have their nightly talks for a while. She didn’t know a lot about being a SEAL, but she certainly understood the secrecy. And the danger. He put himself in risky situations all the time—that was probably why he hadn’t thought twice about rushing to her rescue. She didn’t like the idea of him in harm’s way, but there wasn’t anything she could do about that. Clearly, he was good at his job. He and his teammates had been intimidating and scary back in Bagram. They’d rushed in to help when the suicide bomber blew themself up at the gate, and then they’d rushed to the explosion at her building.

And what had happened to Kim? No one was telling her anything about her friend.

Tears smarted her eyes as she laid down on her bed and shut them tightly. She was lonely and scared, she realized. Worried about Grayson. Upset about Kim. She’d been so focused on healing from her injuries for the past few days, that she hadn’t had much Copyright 2016 - 2024