SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,31

here. I’m not ashamed to admit I hope we’ll be much more than that, but even if it doesn’t work out for whatever reason, I’m here for you. You went through a lot, and I was right there living it, too. Same with the other guys. If you need someone, we’re here. I’ll get you their numbers too when you move.”

“Their numbers?”

“Yeah. I don’t want you to ever feel like you’re alone out here. It’s damn crazy that we met halfway around the world right before you were moving out here, but hell. I’m thrilled you’ll be in San Diego soon. What are the chances of something like that?”

She laughed softly. “I don’t know. Astronomical I suppose.”

“Exactly. It’s like fate that you were there for me to find.”

“You saved my life, Grayson.”

“So I did. And I want to get to know you more. I can’t wait until I can see you in person, take you out on a real date, kiss you goodnight.”

She flushed, smiling. “I can’t wait, either. And thanks Grayson. I mean it. I don’t know how long it would’ve taken someone to find me in the building, but you rushed in there after me. I can never thank you enough for that.”

“You don’t need to thank me,” he said, his voice husky.

“I do,” she insisted.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart. I can’t wait to see you in person in a few short weeks. We’ll talk again soon, okay?”


“Sweet dreams.”

She laughed softly, knowing she probably would have sweet dreams now that she’d talked to him. She’d been up a few times over the past several nights with nightmares, but she had a feeling tonight, she’d sleep like a baby for a change. Knowing Grayson had been thinking of her made her feel safe somehow. Comforted. And his deep voice in her ear soothed her in a way she simply couldn’t explain.

“I can’t wait to see you either. Goodnight, Grayson.”

“Goodnight, sweetheart.”

Chapter 8

Grayson cursed the following week as the commander gathered them in the briefing room on base. They of course could get called up for an op at a moment’s notice, but the timing of this wasn’t ideal. They never knew if they’d have days or hours to prepare for a mission, and right now, they were getting sent out immediately.

Blake crossed his arms as the others took their seats, looking at the terrain in Afghanistan on the massive TV screen. New intel on Sayed had come in, and their team was getting sent back to Bagram. This time they wouldn’t even meet with the general when they arrived. They’d land in country and move to a forward-operating base, out of sight of everyone at Bagram Airfield.

“And we’re certain he’s there?” Blake asked, nodding at the images.

Commander Slate Hutchinson frowned, glancing around the room. He was older than the other men, in his mid-forties, but he still had the build of a SEAL. He now commanded several of the teams here in Coronado and was well-respected by everyone on base. “Sat imagery and signals intelligence pinpoint him at this exact location. He’s thirty miles south of the village you searched, holed up near the mountains. Your team will be working entirely alone this time. It’s a small camp, and you’ll infiltrate and extract Sayed.”

“And the mole?” Grayson asked, frowning.

Jackson shifted beside him, his jaw tense. None of the men were happy that a likely traitor was still in Bagram somewhere.

“Undetected. Whoever it is appears to be lying low after that bombing. There have been no other incidents in or around Bagram Airfield, although there are two people still missing.”

“Shit,” Grayson muttered under his breath.

He’d talked with Hailey every night since she’d gotten her new cell phone, and he knew she was worried sick about her friend Kim. Some evenings they’d chatted for hours, some days he’d been stuck on base and only had time for a quick call because of the time difference. It was fast and crazy, but he felt more and more like he was talking to his girlfriend each night instead of a woman he’d never even taken on a real date.

He was falling for her. Hard. It was weird since he usually took the women he met to bed right away. They’d meet at a bar, go home together, have a fun night. This felt different and right though. More real than any of those past flings he’d had over the years. And damn if he didn’t hate hearing Hailey upset about her friend.

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