Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,96

wish, I’ll gladly windmill my cock for you twenty-four-seven.

Bella – Mmm. Finish up.

(me) – Okay, but you know I’ll do it for you.

Bella – I know you will.

(me) – And since we’ve pulled the goalie, I can’t wait.

Bella – We did not pull the goalie, love.

(me) – Pretty sure it was you I fucked bareback. We pulled the goalie.

Bella – I know my body. I’m nowhere near ovulating. It was not careless. It was calculated.

(me) – Wait. Are you saying you told me to pull the goalie because it was unlikely my sperm would mate with your egg to create superhumans?

Bella – We will make beautiful superhumans someday.

(me) – Damn. You really owe me a blow job.

Bella – I don’t owe you a thing. But you know I’ll gladly take you in my mouth. It’s been a long time.

(me) – Yes, it fucking has. Make sure you’re hydrated—I’m on my way.

Chapter 28

Treasure Forever


“I’ve had enough. The whole thing began with Penn Simmons before we knew it was related to Randolph. I’m going to Geneva to get to the bottom of it.”

Everyone in the room looks to Cole, but I’m the first to speak. “In the last few days, your boss and his boss have tried to silence you permanently—not once, but twice. Not to mention, Randolph tried to kill a reporter. Do you really think that’s the best course of action?”

Cole crosses his arms and his eyes penetrate mine. “I want to look Penn Simmons in the face when I ask him why someone wants him dead. Then I want to see what he does when I inform him they want me dead when I wouldn’t make him dead. You know there’s no better tell than body language. I want to witness each twitch on his face and every uncomfortable shift of his feet. I can be out and back in thirty-six hours and the C-I-fucking-A can kiss my ass. They left me out to dry when I refused to be their puppet. If I don’t check in for a few more days, they can assume I blew up with my house.”

I sigh. I hate that I can’t go along. The Caribbean was one thing but stepping foot into Europe again? I can’t risk it.

“You’re staying here,” Cole echoes my thoughts.

I hike a brow before rolling my eyes. “For your information, I don’t want to go.”

He winks at me. “If that makes you feel better, sweetness.”

Damn him.

“You need to go,” Crew says to Cole. “We know nothing more about Simmons than we did the first time we ran his name. I’ll arrange for a plane to get you over there.” Crew looks to Ozzy. “I want eyes on Simmons’ house.”

Ozzy has quickly become the most popular man in the room since he can spy on anyone we wish. He lifts his chin as if it isn’t the big deal it is. “Done.”

“Asa and Grady left to drop the kids in BFE. They’ll find their way home. They’re running so scared there’s no way they’ll nose around even if they knew where to go. Jarvis is still with Gary. I think we’ll hang onto him for another day or so, see if there’s anything else he remembers. It’ll also make Peterson and Wendy nervous to lose contact with him—shake their cages. We took him off the hook and will get him some food and water soon.” Crew shrugs. “He’ll be fine.”

“Also,” Ozzy tosses a report on the table. “Ambrose, the guy who hiked all the way to the Caribbean to meet with Randolph, checks out—I mean, other than giving the Senator kickbacks. But otherwise, his business is on the up and up. Taxes paid on time, hasn’t had any OSHA issues, no EEOC. Besides the money under the table shit, he looks as clean as a whistle.”

“I’d have been surprised if you found anything more. He was angry and his hatred for Randolph practically seeped through the walls,” I add.

“We’ll continue to watch him even though it looks like his road will be a dead end.” Cole pulls me to his side. “It’s been a night. We need some shuteye since I’m going to have to explain to my daughter and father in the morning how we have no house to go back to.”

I lean into him. “I’m so sorry.”

“Here.” A cell phone flies through the air and Cole reaches out to nab it before it hits him in the face. Ozzy’s expression contorts into something between a frown and a Copyright 2016 - 2024