Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,95

your addresses, parents’ names, know how many dogs you have, and if you skipped class during your sophomore year. This is your only chance so don’t fuck it up.”

“No.” Ben shakes his head. “I won’t. I swear. You’ll never see or hear from me again.”

Asa looks at me. “I’ll stay with them. Go see what they’re getting from the ringleader.”

I turn and head for the door. When I get out in the dark of night, I go to the only other building that’s lit up. Unlike how we went easy on young Jace and Ben, Jarvis and Grady have taken a different tactic.

Gary’s wrists aren’t bound by zip ties anymore. They’re wrapped so tight with duct tape, his fingers are now a nice shade of indigo. They remind me of my favorite suit which I’ll never get to wear again because this asshole blew up my house.

I have no sympathy for him.

He’s hanging three feet off the ground from a meat hook attached to a chain on a pulley system. I’d wonder why Crew needs a device like this if it weren’t for a punching bag lying on the floor. Sure, Crew and his men are killers but I don’t think they’re in the business of torturing people.

Until Bella and I walked into their lives.

Before I have a chance to say shit or punch Gary in the balls, Jarvis looks at me and says one word. “Randolph.”

I stop in my tracks and his balls get a reprieve for at least a minute. “What the fuck?”

“Let me down,” Gary begs. His tough-guy act is gone and I see blood dripping from his nose and mouth. It seems Jarvis and Grady haven’t wasted any time.

“Randolph is funding the party,” Grady adds. “This guy,” he points to Gary, “has been managing the church. He hasn’t seen Randolph since they registered as a religious nonprofit. It took Gary losing a tooth but he finally spilled. We knew they were connected from the text, but this explains more.”

I let out a whistle on my exhale.

“Proves circles in the district run tight,” Jarvis notes.

I nod and think we won’t be able to find the money trail fast enough. “You’re on the wrong guy’s payroll, Gary.”

“What do you want to know?” he pleads. “I’ll flip—work for you. I won’t even charge you.”

I almost laugh. “If you’re worried about money right now, you have no idea how serious this situation is. You’re hanging from a meat hook, Gary. Only dead shit hangs from meat hooks.”

His shoulders give out and his body stretches another few inches. “Please. Don’t hurt Jace and Ben. I’ll do anything.”

“Tell me about Sisson. Why were you blowing up houses tonight?”

“She said someone was in their way and needed to be taken care of sooner rather than later. She does whatever Randolph says ‘cause he pays well. I guess Sisson has connections all over the world. She was fuckin’ manic cause Randolph was on her ass about planting that bomb. She said my money would dry up if we didn’t make it happen. I had no choice—”

“No,” I interrupt. “You did. What do you know about Randolph that caused him to resort to murder?”

“I told you what I know. I don’t ask questions—I do what they want and take the money. It’s too good not to.” He arches and groans. “What are you gonna do? This fuckin’ hurts.”

I’m about to work a little bit of aggression out on this guy’s face, thinking about how every possession I own is now ash, thanks to this piece of shit who doesn’t want to put any effort into making a buck the honest way, but I’m stopped when Bella’s cell vibrates against my ass.

I pull out the phone and find a text from Ozzy.

Ozzy – It’s me again. I would not have to text you from Ozzy’s phone if you wouldn’t steal my cell every other minute of the day.

Ozzy (really Bella) – Are you about done doing the things I’d rather be doing myself?

Bella (but really me) – Can’t be without a phone, baby. We’re about to finish up.

Ozzy (Bella) – Then hurry your yummy arse back to me.

Bella (but me) – Do you know how weird it is that Ozzy thinks my ass is yummy?

Ozzy (sweetness) – You know how much I love your arse. I haven’t seen nearly enough of it since I’ve been back.

Bella (me) – Who’s fault is that?

Bella – You’re seriously going to go there?

(me) – Baby, if naked is what you Copyright 2016 - 2024