Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,97

wince. “I read your text messages. Thank you for polluting my phone forever. I wiped it clean—technically speaking, though I’m sure it could use some bleach after your conversation. It’s yours, I’ll buy a new one.” He points at me. “You’re never borrowing my shit again.”

I bite back my smile as Cole hands me Ozzy’s phone to keep as my own. “I’m sorry if we burned your young eyes.”

Ozzy moves for the front door and shakes his head. “You’re younger than me Bella. I just don’t want to know about your sex life.”

“I don’t give a shit what you use the cell for, just keep it close,” Crew says as he follows Ozzy out. “I’ll call you with your flight information.”

And that’s it. I shouldn’t be surprised they don’t wish us a goodnight. The sun will be rising over the Virginia countryside soon. Cole turns me toward the stairs. “Let’s go to bed. I’ll take a raincheck on the blowjob.”

I look back where he’s following me up the stairs. “Who said you’re getting a raincheck?”

He smacks my ass. “I did. You know you’ve missed him.”

I sway my hips as I move up the stairs in front of him. “You and your cock.”

“We both love you. Wish you could come to Geneva. It’s a long flight with plenty of time for me to cash in my blowjob voucher.”

We turn the corner to the bedroom we’re staying in. “For so many reasons, I wish I were able to go, as well.”

His dirty shirt lands on the floor next to the bed before he reaches for me. He smells like a campfire but I don’t even care as he pulls me into his chest. “As much as I’ve loved working side-by-side with you again, you don’t know what it means to me you’ll be here with Abbott and Red. Especially after what happened tonight. I swear this won’t be a normal thing. I hardly travel anymore and the last thing I want is to ground you here while I’m gone.”

I push my jeans down my legs before I lift up on my toes to press my lips to his. “I know, love.”

His arms constrict around me and my peck on his lips is a sorry excuse compared to the one he lays on me. It’s more of a promise than a kiss. I’m in desperate need of air when he tips his forehead to mine. “I want you to do whatever you want, baby. But when the op is done, when you come home after a trip, or lay your beautiful head of hair down to sleep at night, I want it to be next to me.”

I press into his wide chest. “I won’t be anywhere else. I promise.”

With the whirlwind swirling around us, I’m not sure if he’s used to the idea he won’t have to tie me down, how I’m willingly and freely giving myself to him, his family, and his life here in America. Because, when we finally do fall into bed, Cole holds me tighter than he ever has before. Either desperation or disbelief … he doesn’t deserve to let that eat away at him. Whatever it is, I silently vow to do everything I possibly can to wipe that clean.

Cole and I deserve a fresh start.

“Why can’t we go see it?” Abbott asks for the tenth time.

Cole explained what happened as best he could to Abbott first thing this morning. Kudos to him for not using the words arson, attempted murder, or every four-letter word that usually spills from his lips. Though, when he pulled his father aside to explain what really happened, he used all those and more.

So Red is grumpier than usual, but at least it’s not directed toward me. A light in the darkness, for sure.

Cole left for the airport. As much as I want to run over to Crew’s camp and monitor his new spy satellite and illegal wiretaps, Abbott has been unusually … what is the word?


I would draw the line at clingy. We’re not there yet.

But she wants to be in my company.

“The area around your home isn’t secure yet, love. Ashes and rubble are everywhere. It’s for our safety. There’s more to do here anyway, right? You can play with Vivi before her nap, we’ll work on your French studies, and maybe visit the cows.”

Her arms cross tight around her front and she worries her lip. “Where’d Grandpa go?”

“You know your grandpa.” I take her hand to lead her to Addy’s Copyright 2016 - 2024