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must have thought better, snapping her lips together. Instead, she spun on her toes and disappeared into the crowd.

Without a word, Zoë slowly turned to face Drew. Shit. This was the last thing he needed right now. He was completely caught off guard when her hand jutted out, catching his jersey, fingers curling in the fabric as she jerked him forward. His eyes widened. Before he could speak, explain he was innocent, she pressed her lips to his. It was a mark of ownership, firm and demanding. For all to see, she staked her claim on him.

Drew’s pulse sped. His soul soared. This was the sign he had been waiting for—she still cared. He held her tightly, giving as much as he received.

When their kiss ended, they were both breathless.

“Trailer. Now.” Her command was short and decisive, leaving no room for discussion.

What man in his right mind would pass up an invitation like that?

Not Drew.

He grabbed her hand and with quick steps headed for her trailer. As she pushed the door open and yanked him inside, it slammed against the wall, closing on its return.

“Damn. These boots,” he muttered, stumbling. Before he could steady himself, Zoë’s hands were everywhere, pulling at his clothes. Her lips frantically sought his. There was no tenderness in her touch as she jerked his jersey loose from his pants. She ravaged his mouth, her tongue caressing every inch. When he countered, thrusting his tongue to meet hers, she released a desperate cry that tore them apart. Her eyes were dark with desire as she tugged his shirt off and tossed it over her shoulder.

Her feverish desire was a fucking turn on. Drew’s cock hardened instantly. Blood rushed his sac, drawing it close to his body. He couldn’t move fast enough to disrobe her, dragging her jersey over her head to throw it aside. With nimble fingers, he unfastened her pants, worked them and her thong down her long legs, meeting resistance. “Damn boots,” he grumbled.

As he started to unsnap her boots, she breathed, “Can’t wait. Need you now.”

“Woman, you’re going to be the death of me.” Drew whirled her around so that her back faced him. She wiggled out of her exercise bra as he unfastened his pants and jerked them down around his knees. “Hold on to the counter,” he said before grabbing her hips. With one thrust, he parted her folds and entered her.

“Drew.” She arched her back and groaned deep and long.

“So wet.” He sucked in a choking breath. “Tight.” His toes clenched in his boots as he attempted to keep his climax at bay. The strong pull in his erection was somewhere between pleasure and pain. Even as a teenage boy he had never ejaculated before satisfying his partner. This time would not be the first—at least he prayed it wouldn’t. Desperate to draw his attention off the firming between his legs, he grasped her breasts, kneading, before latching on to her engorged nipples with his fingers. One pinch and she threw back her head and screamed his name again.

The second her womb squeezed his aching shaft, he exploded. Stars burst behind his eyelids. His pulse sped. He moaned as her body flexed around him. He had never felt anything so earth-shattering. There was nothing to do but feel, savor the moment.

Drew draped her body with his. Both were covered in a light sheen of perspiration. He dreaded leaving her warmth, but the door wasn’t locked, not to mention the back of the trailer was open. The only thing that hid them from others’ sight was the plastic curtain that had fallen to cover the entrance.

Before he broke their connection, he leaned in close and whispered, “I’m not through with you.” Soft laughter met his ears. “I’ll close and lock the trailer up.” He jerked his pants over his hips and fastened them before heading for the back of the trailer. “Take those damn clothes off. I want you naked and in bed when I return.”

Chapter Sixteen

A sensation of tranquility wrapped around Zoë’s heart as she gazed at Drew sleeping beside her. Damn the man for being so good looking. She brushed a tendril from his forehead, noticing he was perspiring even though the room felt cool to her. She had switched on the air conditioner while Drew closed the back of the trailer. Even now there was a breeze blowing over their naked bodies. The scent of dust was gone. Instead the smell of rain filtered through the vents.

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