Sand Angel Page 0,53

as they met his. His fingers slid beneath her silky hair, capturing the nape of her neck. She leaned into him, pressing her body against his as her arms wrapped around his waist. “Drew.” Her mouth moved across his.

“Yes,” he said breathlessly.

“The margaritas are done.”

Well, shit. So they were and the first of the partiers were beginning to fill the trailer. Josh seemed to know her trailer pretty well, reaching into a cabinet to find some plastic cups. He dipped them in a plate of shallow water to wet the edges before dipping them into a platter of salt. Zoë filled each one to the brim and Drew started handing them out. She got about five drinks out of this batch and started a new one.

Someone started the music and Zoë began to sway to the sexy tune. God, the woman was sensual. He wanted her body moving like that beneath him. He was lost in his thoughts, until Josh pushed a shot of tequila in his hand. Together they raised their glasses, each downing the shot in one gulp. Drew shuddered. “Ahhh…” The sting felt good as the golden liquid burned a path down his throat.

After several more blenders were prepared, the party moved outside, growing larger by the minute. People from nearby campsites were strolling over and getting into the moment. As Zoë stepped back into the trailer to use the bathroom, Josh moved to Drew’s side.

“Thank you,” Josh said, offering Drew a beer. The bottle was cold against his skin. “This is the happiest I’ve seen her in a long time.” There was a light in his friend’s eyes that hadn’t been there since Zoë’s accident. “I don’t envy you, though. She’s a handful.” He chuckled, but added, “Worth every bit of the trouble. What are your plans?”

“Plans?” Hell, Drew had no idea. Right now he was taking it one step at a time. “Guess I’ll see how she wants to proceed. I’m not sure how she feels about me—the two of us.” He took a drink. “Don’t know if she’ll consider letting me accompany her to Phoenix. But, my friend, I’m going to do everything possible to ensure that we’re related and soon.” He slapped Josh on the back and the two broke into laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Zoë asked, walking into Drew’s arms as if she had done it a million times before. He hugged her close. It felt right to have her next to him.

Josh placed his fingertips beneath her chin. His expression softened. “I’m just happy for you, sis.”

She stepped from Drew and embraced her brother. Drew thought he saw tears glisten in her eyes even though she grumbled, “You’re not getting mushy, are you?”

Josh pulled away from her. “Don’t be silly.” But Drew saw the same emotion shining in both siblings’ gazes as he sat his beer down. Josh cleared his throat. “Let’s get this party rocking,” he yelled, grabbing Zoë’s hand to twirl her around.

As they danced, Drew pondered Josh’s question. Clearly, Zoë wasn’t willing to give up her riding career. The thought of her traveling alone wasn’t something that sat well with him. It was even harder to swallow, knowing that she would be surrounded by a bunch of horny men.

“You’re thinking too hard,” Kari purred, leaning into him so that their hips touched. She ran her fingertips up his arm. Under shuttered eyelashes, she peered up at him. “I can make you forget.” Drew knew a proposition when he heard one. Furthermore, he had no doubt she could live up to her sexy offer, but he wasn’t interested. His mouth opened to tell her so when Zoë appeared. She glared at him. “I—”

Zoë held up a hand, shushing him, before leveling her steely gaze on Kari. When she spoke her voice dropped several octaves. “I’ll say this once and only once.”

Kari haughtily raised a brow. Her palms went straight to her hips.

Zoë’s jaws clenched. The slightest flare of her nostrils told Drew the shit was about to hit the fan. He tensed, ready to grab her if she flew into the bitch staring her down. He wasn’t prepared when the tightness in Zoë’s face vanished and an eerie smirk appeared. Her chin dipped as her eyes darkened. “Unless you want your ass kicked from here to China, you won’t ever lay a hand on my man again.” It wasn’t a threat—her menacing tone said she meant every word.

Kari’s face turned scarlet red. She huffed, opened her mouth to speak, but Copyright 2016 - 2024