Sand Angel Page 0,52

would only be expected for her to try again. She hated the disparities between female and male.

“Back up, boys, or I’ll run over your toes,” she announced just before she crammed the gear into reverse. Determination tightened her grip on the steering wheel. She would show them. Zoë narrowed her sight on Dane. “You want out?”

“Hell no,” he yelled. “Let’s go.”

The engine roared as she sped toward the mountain. Sand sprayed in all directions, creating a cloud of dust. She didn’t ease up on the gas, kept it steady as they climbed. At the two-thirds mark her heart stuttered. I have to make it.

Dane shouted, “Hell yeah!” as the rail easily cleared the remainder of the distance.

Perched on the top was a magnificent view. For miles she could see valleys and peaks in the sand. She literally glowed from the inside out. The screams of approval from people below were what she lived for.

“You fuckin’ rock, woman.” Dane reached over and gave her shoulder a hearty shake.

Drew held his breath as Zoë started back down the dune. The sensation of going up a mountain was a little different than coming down it. It definitely was not for those with acrophobia, fear of heights. As she eased the vehicle down the mountainside, he didn’t know whether he wanted to strangle her or hug her close. He chose the latter. As she climbed out of the rail, he jerked her into his arms. He couldn’t see her face behind her dark goggles, but her smile shone with pride.

“Damn you,” he growled, giving her a little shake. “You had me tied in knots.”

She pulled out of his embrace and removed her headgear. “If it were anyone other than me, you’d be down here with the crowd urging the rider onward. Besides I made it—that’s what counts.”

No, what counted was that she was all right. He slung an arm around her shoulders, drawing her close as the man who rode with her approached.

He was grinning ear to ear. “That was friggin’ awesome. Let’s do it again.”

Drew didn’t have time to intervene before Zoë said, “That’s it for me. I think I hear a margarita calling my name.” She turned in his embrace, weaving her arms around his neck. “How about you?”

He gazed into her blue eyes, so bright with excitement. Instead of answering her, he bent his head and captured her lips. She returned his fervor, matching the urgency of his tongue dancing with hers. She held on tight—he held her tighter. He was just about to deepen the kiss when Josh said, “That’s enough, you two.”

Drew squeezed her once again before releasing her. “C’mon, baby.”

“Party at my trailer,” Zoë yelled over her shoulder as they headed back to their quads.

Party? That’s not exactly what he had in mind. Stripping her naked and having his way with her was the direction his mind was heading.

The heat of the afternoon sun beat down on them as they made their way across the miles of dunes. He tried to keep up with Zoë, but the woman was like greased lightning. The minx was riding a high and it showed. He realized that this was what she lived for.

By the time he and Josh pulled into camp, she was nowhere to be found. There was a moment of panic until he saw her quad. Someone was barbequing with mesquite. The woodsy scent filled his senses as he made a beeline for her trailer, Josh close behind. He didn’t knock, just pulled the doorknob and climbed the stairs.

Zoë stood at the kitchen counter in only an exercise bra and her riding pants. Her boots and socks lay by the couch. “Open the back of the trailer, Josh. It’ll make it easier for those that want to come in.” She dumped a handful of ice into a blender, flipped a switch, and the concoction inside began to swirl. From the refrigerator she grabbed several limes and tossed them all at once at Drew. “Cut these up.”

Drew fumbled with the fruits, awkwardly catching them. He spied a cutting board and sat them down upon it, before he pulled open a drawer and extracted a knife. “How do you feel?” If it weren’t for the nasty bruise on her forehead, no one would even know she’d been in an accident.

“Great.” Her smile glowed with happiness. “I haven’t felt this good in a long time. Come here and kiss me.” She didn’t have to ask twice. He tasted tequila upon her lips Copyright 2016 - 2024