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delight had turned into another tumble in bed, and then they had drifted asleep in each other’s arms. Her chest rose and fell on a blissful sigh. No matter how hard she tried to deny it, she loved him. Her earlier outburst proved it. She chuckled silently. Kari’s reaction to her threat was as she expected. The woman was all talk, no guts. Yet the expression on Drew’s face was priceless.

Not only had Zoë’s calm exterior surprised him, it had been a revelation to her. She would never get over Drew. When the realization set in, the rest was intuitive. No one took what belonged to her—including her man.

Emotion tightened her throat. Did she dare believe that all of this was actually happening? That Drew had truly returned, wanting to rekindle what they had?

Before she could ponder those questions, Drew cried out. He mumbled. His words incoherent as his fingers curled into fists and his face twisted in anguish. What the hell had he gone through?

“Zoë.” The panic in his voice made her reach out and touch him. “Where are you?” he murmured, moisture seeping from behind his closed eyelids.

He was crying in his sleep.

Tears misted Zoë’s eyes. The sorrowful moans he made were breaking her heart. She folded her arms around him, holding him to her. “I’m here…” She paused, swallowing hard to keep her emotions restrained. “I’ve always been here.”

It was true. Although she had put up a good exterior front, on the inside she had yearned, dreamed and she had waited—waited for his return. Lonely days, sleepless nights, they had been for him and him alone. She had become an empty shell with a void in her life that no man could fill, except for the one she held.

She buried her face against his chest. “I love you,” she whispered, unable to silence the tenderness that made her entire body tremble. “Damn you,” she choked. “I’ll always love you.”

Zoë startled when Drew’s warm palm smoothed across her back. She tensed, squeezing her eyes closed, praying that he hadn’t heard her confession. What would he say? Would he run again?

Her shoulders squared, her arms falling to her sides, as she prepared herself for his response. He was quiet for longer than felt comfortable. Every muscle inside her body tensed. If only she had kept her mouth shut.

When he spoke, his voice was shaky. “I-I love you too.” He drew her closer, pressing his lips against her forehead. “Let me in, Zoë. Let me love you.”

Her pulse sped. “I’m scared,” she blurted, then clenched her jaws tight. Oh God, did I admit that?

Drew rolled her gently upon her back. Her nipples tightened, not from arousal, but fear. She didn’t want to meet his gaze but she did. His eyes were rimmed red with emotion, from his dream or the current moment, she didn’t know. He propped himself on an elbow. “I made a mistake. We’ve both suffered. Let me make it right.”

Zoë wanted to believe him. “You hurt me.” She hated the childish tone in her voice. To add to her mortification, her chin began to tremble. Painful memories threatened to surface.

“Oh, baby.” He caressed his knuckles across her cheek. “I know. I’m sorry. But I’m back now and I’m not leaving.” She couldn’t help leaning into his hand. She hungered for his touch. “Please let me back into your life.”

Mentally, she heard her hard-as-nail exterior begin to crack. Be strong. Breathe. Yet when his lips met hers, she crumbled like a day-old cookie. Her arms flung around him. She held on tight, speechless, while her mind cried, Yes. I’ve missed you so much.

Their naked bodies came together, chest to chest, hip to hip. His kiss magically washed the anguish of the last three years away. Instead, a happiness Zoë hadn’t felt in a long time embraced her. Within seconds, she found herself trapped beneath him. His firm cock pressed to her belly. His mouth ravished hers as she surrendered body and soul.

When their lips parted, he said, “Say you’re mine.” Zoë was still trying to catch her breath, her mind whirling with what was happening. He dragged her hands above her head, pinning them against the bed. “Mine,” he repeated.

Raindrops began to pelt the trailer, making tinny sounds. She could hear the rustle and voices of people rushing around the campsite outside. Doors opened and slammed shut. There was a brisk knock against the side of the trailer.

“Drew. Zoë.” There was urgency in Josh’s muffled tone as he Copyright 2016 - 2024