Sand Angel Page 0,38

a plastic spoon. She removed the lid, steam floating off the top as she inhaled the delicious aroma. Pressing the cup to her lips, she took a sip. It was hot, tasty. They say chicken soup is good for the soul. She doubted it would help if she bathed in the stuff, but she did have to admit it felt good flowing warm down her throat.

Another drink and she glanced up, finding both men watching her intently. Her arched brow brought them both around. Before long the smell of hamburgers filled the cab. They ate in silence as they headed for the Dunes.

Roaring engines, the smell of oil, gas and dust made Zoë feel right at home when they pulled into camp. It was closing in on one by the clock in Josh’s truck. Everyone was back for lunch and heading right for them.

Before she could open the door, Drew was there, assisting her out like she was an invalid. Trent was the first one to her side. Drew reached for her, but wasn’t fast enough. Trent wrapped his arms around her. She noted he didn’t squeeze her like he usually did and for some reason that irritated her. She wasn’t a damn porcelain doll.

“My bike okay?” she asked, patting him firmly on the back.

“I took care of it for you, doll. A busted fender, scratched, but engine still runs.” He left an arm around her shoulders. “Man, you scared the shit out of me. By the time I got back from my ride you were gone. I didn’t know where they took you.” He cradled her like he would never let her go. “Now how about I escort you back to your trailer and take care of you?” His brown eyes were filled with concern.

“That won’t be necessary. I’ll take care of her.” Drew moved next to her, scowling at Trent with enough heat to fry an egg. A cloud of tension formed around them.

“Neanderthals,” she huffed, ducking beneath Trent’s arm. The quick movement sent pain through her ribs. She grabbed her side and groaned.

“See what you’ve done,” both Drew and Trent said in unison to each other. If it didn’t hurt so much, Zoë would have laughed. It was Josh who came to her rescue.

“Let’s get you settled, sis.” He moved past Drew and Trent and followed her to the trailer. She made it up the steps and inside without any further confrontation.

Without being told to, Josh began to undress her, carefully easing her jersey over her head. He touched her so gently it was as if a fist tightened around her heart. She had to do something to chase away the unwelcome sentiment.

“Looks like you know your way around a woman’s body,” she joked.

“Shut up.” He chuckled. “I’ll help get your riding gear off and then you’re on your own.”

“No tucking me in bed?” She smiled down at him as he knelt, stripped her pants off, leaving her in an exercise bra and a thong.

He looked up at her. “If I do anything, I’ll tie you to the bed to keep you off that damn bike.” She laughed, but he wasn’t smiling anymore. As he got to his feet, he said, “Tomorrow I’m driving you to Phoenix. You’re staying with Mom and Dad.”

The hair on Zoë’s neck rose. Red-hot anger flared across her face. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

He didn’t back down, glaring at her. “Dammit, Zoë. This has gone far enough.”

She tried to calm herself by inhaling slowly and releasing her breath even slower. “I know that you’re concerned but Dave over-exaggerated.”

“Over-exaggerated.” He swept his heated gaze up her legs, over her exposed body. “Look at you.” He trembled. “You’re scraped and scarred.” He swallowed hard. “I know about your hospitalizations.” He choked on his next words. “Why didn’t you call me? I would have come.” He paused for only a minute. “Sis, I don’t want to lose you.” The truth was in his misty eyes. She had never seen her brother cry. Never realized how much her actions were hurting him. Were her parents suffering as badly?

Zoë couldn’t speak. She snaked her arms around his waist, buried her face against his chest and wept.

He held her, not saying a word. His tears fell, mingling with hers. She was thoroughly shaken by the time he released her.

“You need to rest,” he said, turning his back on her as he wiped his eyes on his jersey’s sleeve.

“I’ll be okay,” she attempted to reassure him.

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