Sand Angel Page 0,37

Drew, but she didn’t have the energy. Soul searching was tiresome and her body ached. All she wanted was her bed.

Drew kept his distance. Josh moved forward, leaning in to envelop her in a big bear hug. Damn him for being so good to her. Zoë fought tears threatening to fall. She wouldn’t cry.

“Look at you,” Josh whispered. He released her to stretch to his full height. His fingertips hovered over the bandage on her forehead where a goose egg lay beneath. “Zoë—”

She eased her head away. “Scraped and bruised but good as new.” Her attempt to soften the moment didn’t work. Her chin quivered as she fought control.

“This can’t go on.” As his mouth opened to continue scolding her, she pushed out of the wheelchair, making him take a step backward.

“Josh, don’t go there.” Without another word she headed for the sliding glass doors.

“Miss Davis,” the nurse called out to Zoë, but she ignored the woman. Instead she scanned the parking lot for Josh’s truck.

The day had gotten hotter. A sultry breeze teased her long hair. She could feel the heat of the asphalt through her booties. The rough surface made itself known with each step. The smoky scent of someone barbequing from a nearby neighborhood filled the air. Her stomach growled, a reminder she hadn’t eaten today or most of yesterday. She needed something before taking a pain pill, which she fully expected to do once she got back to her trailer. No need to fill the prescription the doctor gave her. She had plenty in her bathroom cabinet.

Josh’s crew cab truck was parked a stone’s throw away. As the click of Josh unlocking the vehicle sounded, Drew walked up to her and took her boots and papers from her arms. He opened the backseat door. She didn’t hesitate to crawl into the truck. To avoid the awkwardness of having Drew next to her, she lay down. He stood there for a moment. The heat of his stare burned her. Slowly, he closed the door and moved to the front seat and got in.

The oily scent of diesel permeated the cab as Josh started the engine. “We passed a Walgreens down the way. I’ll stop there to fill your prescriptions.”

“No need. I’ve got what I need.” She rolled over on her side, back facing them. The leather seats were soft and enveloped her in their rich scent.

“Uh…what about the other thing?” Josh asked.

Her brows tugged together. Other thing? A smirk touched her lips. She’d almost forgotten about the tampon comment she made earlier. “No. Just take me to my rig.”

“Hungry?” Drew asked. His husky voice held a tremor she felt deep within, abruptly shattered when Josh hit a speed bump, making her stomach pitch.

“No.” She buried her face in her arms, praying she wouldn’t get sick. That was all she needed—to appear even more helpless. She wanted the security of her trailer, a place where she didn’t have to pretend.

“Well, sis, you’re gonna eat something if I have to force feed you.” Determination lowered Josh’s tone.

“No fast food,” Drew interjected. “She doesn’t need anything greasy.”

Zoë didn’t want to think, much less argue. She remained quiet as the truck pulled to a stop. While Josh and Drew discussed what to order, she adjusted her body, finding a more comfortable position. Only one door opened and slammed shut. The engine continued to run, the air conditioner humming, blowing cool air. Who remained behind?

“Zoë?” The hesitancy in the way Drew said her name warned her that he expected to discuss something she’d rather not.

She pinched her eyelids closed, feigning sleep. They didn’t need to talk and they certainly didn’t need to discuss things when her emotions lay so close to the surface. If she could just hold on a little longer she could put Drew Thompson behind her.

Zoë reveled in the minutes of silence that followed. Thank God. She’d dodged another bullet.

“Baby, you got the situation this morning wrong.”

Evidently, she didn’t dodge fast enough. Every muscle tensed, increasing her discomfort. Not to mention, her rein of control slipped as tears filled her eyes. “Please. Not now, Drew.” Not ever.

No more was said until Josh climbed back into the truck. “She asleep?”

“No.” Clearly she hadn’t fooled Drew.

Digging through the sack, Josh said, “Zoë, I got you chicken soup. Get up and eat it while it’s hot.”

Zoë uncurled herself. Every strained muscle screamed with resistance. She barely held back a moan as she reached for the Styrofoam cup he handed her along with Copyright 2016 - 2024