Sand Angel Page 0,39

nodded and made haste out of the trailer. She watched him through the window as he avoided Drew and went straight to his quad. His hands were shaking as he slipped his helmet on, dropped his goggles over his eyes and tore out of camp. Clearly, they were sewn from the same cloth, both running when things got tough.

Zoë felt drained. All she wanted was to sleep. She knew that when she awoke, nothing would be the same.

Chapter Twelve

Night had fallen, but that didn’t slow the people of Glamis. Drew sat in a lounge chair nursing his third beer, while loud music and laughter joined the roar of vehicles darting in and out of the campsite. He found it mesmerizing to watch the mass of headlights climbing the mountains of sand and then disappearing into the darkness. It looked like lightning bugs dancing about.

For those who had settled around the campfire, liquor flowed freely. Josh appeared to be drinking more than usual as he popped a top on another cold one. His friend had been visibly shaken when he left Zoë’s toy hauler earlier. After two hours of riding, his mood hadn’t changed. In fact, he ignored the attentions of the redhead from last night who rubbed against him invitingly. Several times he had stolen away to check on Zoë. Even now his gaze was pinned on her trailer. It was around nine o’clock. She had slept the day away.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Kari cooed, hanging a thumb from her low-riding jeans as she moved between him and Zoë’s trailer, blocking his view. Her windbreaker was gaping wide so the deep-cut shirt revealed the swells of her breasts. She gave him a seductive smile as she strolled closer. The scent of woman, soft and feminine, surrounded him as she placed a hand on his shoulder, and then moved to stand behind him.

He tensed. “Best keep your penny.” She probably didn’t want to hear that her presence was the last thing he needed or that his mind was on the strawberry-blonde woman who just stepped from her trailer.

Kari was quick. Her touch firmed, pushing him down into his chair as he started to rise. With deft fingers, she began to massage the knots tightening beneath her caress. He didn’t miss the frown on Zoë’s face as she suddenly turned away. Damned if Trent didn’t appear from out of nowhere and move to her side, ushering her toward his trailer. Josh stood in the distance looking at Drew as if he expected him to do something—anything.

Drew’s dilemma had every nerve in his body on fire. He sat down his beer and grabbed one of Kari’s hands to pull her away, but she took it as an invitation, landing in the middle of his lap. Within a heartbeat, her arms were snaked around his neck. Her lips pressed against his.

Caught off guard, he was momentarily paralyzed. When he opened his mouth to object, Kari deepened the kiss, thrusting her tongue deep inside. It took more strength than he cared to use on a woman to break her grip. Rising, he set her soundly on her feet and stepped away. His gaze darted toward Trent’s trailer only to find Zoë in the man’s arms, slow dancing. Her body was svelte, sexy as they moved as one. Several others joined them on the makeshift dance floor.

Red-hot anger crawled across his face, singeing his ears. His fingers curled into fists. Bodies and feet in rhythm, Drew could tell they had danced before. The familiarity of how Trent smoothed his hand down her back, nestling it close to the swell of her ass, revealed they had been more than dance partners.

“Looks like she has another man in mind tonight.” Kari leaned into him. She stroked her hand up his bare arm. “Why don’t you join Connor and me tonight?”

Drew snapped his gaze toward Kari. Holy shit! The woman was inviting him to a threesome. He was into kink, but multiple partners weren’t his thing. Perhaps he was too possessive, or was it selfishness? When he made love to a woman, he wanted her full attention on him and him alone. And that woman was Zoë.

“Thanks, but no thanks.” Drew maneuvered himself out of Kari’s grasp.

The casual air around her froze as her palms shot to her hips. “She doesn’t fuck the same man two nights in a row. You might as well accept it.” A snide grin stole across her face. “Besides don’t knock what you haven’t Copyright 2016 - 2024