The Saddest Song - By Susie Kaye Lopez Page 0,20

of hard to do, isn’t it? That’s all anybody is talking about at school.” He glanced over at me and I shrugged.

“Well, what if you and I went? Would you like to go?” He asked, his eyes not straying from the road.

“To Homecoming? Why? Do you want to go?” I asked, surprised.

“Well, if you would like to I wouldn’t mind. It might be good to do something social. We haven’t done anything at all since the accident. I just thought you might want to feel normal again.”

“Max, if you want to take someone please don’t let me keep you from it. “ I suddenly wondered if he felt obligated to take me as a favor to his brother.

“Rainey, there is no one I want to go with. I just didn’t know if it might be something you would want to do with your friends. It is your senior year.”

“ It’s yours too,” I said. “Thanks Max, but I don’t want to go.”

“Okay, there’s a couple weeks left, if you change your mind just let me know.”

His face stared straight ahead but I couldn’t help thinking that he looked a bit disappointed. I felt bad, just not bad enough to go to Homecoming. I had three years of Homecoming pictures lined up on my shelf, there would not be a fourth, not without Garrett.

“Maybe we could go to a movie that night and grab a pizza or something,” I offered in exchange.

Max looked over at me and smiled.

“That could be nice.”


I got turned down flat when I offered to take Rainey to the Homecoming dance. I tried to be as genuine as I could when I asked. I knew that it was a huge hurdle for her, facing the first big school event without Garrett by her side. I debated asking her to go, but thought that if she wanted to I should agree to take her. Like most girls, she loved those dances. I know my brother had liked them too. I always followed his lead and asked someone to go, but I couldn’t help thinking school dances were lame. Once we got there the music always sucked and everyone was always waiting until the mandated hour where we could leave, and then on the party buses home there was always at least one drunk kid puking in the aisle. After asking I had tried to keep my expression blank when she said no, but secretly, I was relieved.

I assumed we would go out for pizza and a movie to distract ourselves on Homecoming night but a far better alternative presented itself when I went to pick up guitar strings at the music store. As soon as I walked in the door I heard a voice yell out, “Max! Where’ve you been?” Looking to my right I saw my friend Colin standing there.

“Hey Colin, what’s up?” I shook his hand and smiled. Colin was the coolest guy. He was an amazing singer and songwriter. I had learned a ton from him when we had written a couple songs together earlier in the summer.

“I was just thinking about you! You didn’t answer my texts. Are you done with song writing? Too busy or what? Cause you are really good.”

“No, I’m sorry. I uh…Actually, I lost my twin brother in an accident a couple months ago and kind of dropped out for awhile. It’s been tough.” I said it without too much pain, I had learned to talk about it finally, I guess.

“ Man, I am so sorry to hear that. I had no idea. That’s awful.” Colin looked as horrified as everyone did when they heard.

“It’s cool. I’m starting to surface a bit. I’d love to start working together again if you ever want to.”

“Absolutely. That’d be great. What are you doing Saturday night? I’m opening for Mark Kerrey. I can put your name on the list if you want to go.”

“I’d love to. Can I bring someone?”

“Sure. I will put a plus one and text you with the address and time. I’m so glad I ran into you.”

“Me too. Thanks Colin. I’ll see you Saturday.”

“I’ll see you then.” We shook hands again and he left. I grabbed my strings and headed back home feeling like I was meant to run into him. Rainey would love his music and I had even given her some of Mark Kerrey’s music earlier in the summer. A former drummer in a couple of bands, Mark was just going out on his own with his Copyright 2016 - 2024