Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,83

him wonder if he’d heard her wrong. Yet his hand went to her flat stomach. He would love to have a little girl who looked like Talena and acted like her too. Surely, she was just tired and called him that instead of Sir since she was new to the world.

Talena woke first, sliding out of bed before Scott. She couldn’t believe she fell asleep before she could get cleaned up. He lay next to her with one big tattooed arm over his face. Her bladder was making itself known in the most annoying way, so she eased off the bed, trying not to wake him. She looked down at her body, shocked to see she was—clean. He must’ve done so after she passed out. Her hand went to her stomach as she hurried into the bathroom and shut the door. Oh lord, she wondered if he had any clue. She had been on the shot, but then the incident happened, and she’d spaced going to get the one she’d been scheduled for. She’d been sure she couldn’t get pregnant, not after...well, clearly, she’d been wrong and so had the doctor at the clinic.

After she finished, she washed her hands and looked at herself in the mirror. The shower beckoned, so she hopped in washing off the sweat from the night before. The door opened behind her; the familiar form of Scott eased in.

“I missed you this morning.” He kissed her neck.

She couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve been gone all of ten minutes.”

“The longest ten minutes of my life,” he agreed.

Her quick shower turned into a much longer, much dirtier one before she was stepping out with Scott right behind her. If anyone would have seen her, there would be no denying the glow she had was from amazing sex, yet she also had a secret.

“Once you get dressed come on out to the living area so you can open your presents.” Scott kissed her after he gave her the order.

She sighed, watching him walk out of the bathroom naked as the day he was born. “Dear lord, that man is seriously the sexiest thing since sliced bread.”

Since she hadn’t washed her hair, it didn’t take her long to get dressed and apply a little tinted moisturizer to her face and a little mascara. If she was going to tell him about his pending fatherhood, she didn’t want to put it off too much longer.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she came to a hard stop at the sight that met her eyes. There in the middle of the room was a huge Christmas tree and Scott in front of it down on one knee. “What are you doing?”

He waved her forward. “C’mere,” he said.

She moved slowly, holding his gaze.

“Last night, I was going to do this, but then you fell asleep. Today I’m on my knee, asking you to be my wife. To love me for the rest of our lives and make me the happiest man on Earth? Will you marry me?” He opened his palm, a velvet box sat inside.

Talena nodded. “Yes. Oh, yes, I’ll marry you.”

“You haven’t even seen the ring.” He lifted the lid, showing her the diamond ring inside. With deft fingers, he lifted the jewelry out, standing up with it between his fingers.

“That box could’ve been empty, and I’d have said yes. I...I have to tell you something.”

Scott grabbed her hand, sliding the ring on her finger. “Perfect fit. What do you have to tell me?”

“I’m pregnant,” she blurted, tears threatened to fall, but she forced them back. If he wanted to call the almost engagement off, she’d let him.

“You called me daddy last night. I thought, I hoped it was true. A baby?” He pressed his hand over her stomach, then dropped to his knees, pressing his lips to her stomach. “You’re having our baby,” he said with awe in his tone.

She ran her hands through his hair, tears falling down her cheeks unchecked. “You’re not mad?”

He wrapped his arms around her stomach and looked up at her. “You are having a little you. Why would I be mad? This is the best day of my life. We need to call mom.” He raised her shirt and kissed her stomach before getting to his feet.

“Whoa, shouldn’t we wait and like, break one thing to her at a time?” She held the ring up to his face.

Scott waved her words away. “She already knew about that.”

Talena groaned. “She’s gonna kill me.”

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