Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,82

he did just that...pleased himself without letting her come. He took her up, building the pleasure to where she was shaking with the need to come, only to back off. “Ssh, it’s okay, baby girl. I got you. Are you ready to come?”

“Yes, damn you,” she wailed, sweat glistening on her skin.

He took off his jeans, folding them neatly, and placed them on a chair before returning to where she hung, glassy-eyed and panting. “Damn me, you say?”

Talena licked her lips, locking her eyes on his hand as he pumped it up and down his cock.

“I’m sorry, please, I need you to fuck me, Sir.”

Scott bent, releasing her ankles first, massaging each one, then moved to her left arm, making sure he helped her move it down so that she wasn’t in pain and then did the right. He lifted her into his arms and carried her over to the bed, sliding between her thighs as he walked. They both moaned as the head of his cock entered her. Although she was soaking wet and ready, he still took his time. “Damn, you’re so tight.”

“No, you’re just huge. Oh, yes,” she cried.

He pushed all the way in, holding still while her body twitched around him, her orgasm catching him off guard. “Damn, I’d punish you for coming without permission, but that felt fucking amazing. I think I’ll need to feel you do that a couple more times.”

She panted, chest rising and falling, but she didn’t open her eyes. “I don’t think I can. You’ve killed me.”

Scott laughed, pulling his hips back until just the tip of his dick was inside. “Hmm, well, I guess I’ll just have to fuck you back to life.”

Talena’s eyes opened, love shining back at him. “I’ll love you until the day I die and beyond, Scott Haven.”

He pressed all the way in, holding himself above the only woman who held his heart. “Ah, baby girl, I love you even more than that. My parents had that magical kind of love. I knew what I felt for you was like that because when I was with you, I felt complete. My life was me existing, but not living, until I had you right where you are. With me, under me, beside me. That magical love is the kind I have for you.”

She sniffed, tears falling from both eyes. “My love, I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but you’re the light that brightened the darkness and the rain that comes after a storm, you know the cleansing kind, that’s you. You’re my light and my own personal rain that’s helped me grow into the woman I am. I am so in love with you now and will love you forever with my whole heart and soul.”

Scott brushed the wetness from her cheeks with his thumbs, smiling at her words. “That’s good to hear because you’re stuck with me, baby girl.”

He began moving, loving her with his body as much as his heart. No woman on Earth could be loved as much as his Talena. In, out he pushed, slowly building up the pleasure for her again, swiveling his hips on each downward thrust. He watched her face as he moved, paying attention to every nuance and adjusted his movements when he noticed what had her gasping and what had her clenching on him.

When he felt her inner muscles begin to flutter and saw her chest rising faster, he moved his hands under her ass, tilting her up for a better angle.

“Oh yes, right there, please.”

He wasn’t going to get onto her for not calling him Sir, not when her pussy was fluttering, tightening around him and her nails were raking his back as her pleasure pulled him over the edge.

“Fuck yes, baby, come for me. Let me feel you come on my cock,” he ordered.

“Yes, I need. I need you harder.”

He reared back, slamming into her harder, his balls slapping her ass. One, two, five times and then he was coming right after she had. He continued to pump even after he was sure he had no more to give, his dick not caring. “Shit, baby, I think you’re going to kill me,” he gasped, falling to the side half on, half off Talena.

“What a way to go,” she gasped.

Scott chuckled, running his hand down her chest in a lazy motion. “Let me rest a moment then I’ll get us cleaned up.”

“Okay, daddy,” she whispered.

He froze. “What?”

The soft sound of her even breathing made Copyright 2016 - 2024