Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,81

“What I have planned is what I love to do with you, and that’s maximizing ecstasy and minimizing all risk.” He lifted a length of rope, running it through his hand. “You see this rope? I wouldn’t use it on you until I’ve held it, touched it, smoothed it between my hands enough to know there isn’t a part of it that would cause you injury...unless that is what I chose.” He put the rope back, lifting another item he hoped she’d love as much as he did.

She looked at what he held. “Is that a flogger?”

“This is a light flogger, and this is a leather whip.” He showed her the different ones in the chest next to the St. Andrews Cross. Her eyes widened when she spied the whips with multiple tails. He purposefully ran his fingers over them so she could see he was comfortable with touching them and would be using them on her. “I have several I’ll use on you but not tonight.”

“That looks more comfortable yet more confining,” Talena whispered, walking closer to the bench.

He nodded, walking to where she stood. “This is a custom piece. You would lay here, rest your legs here, and place your arms here. See these cuffs? I made sure the leather is the softest and are lined so they won’t mar your delicate flesh. Only I’m allowed to do that. Now, if you select the cross, I had it custom created as well, but as you might know, all crosses are basically the same. What makes mine unique is the material the frame is made of, which I won’t bore you with. Suffice it to say, you won’t be injured unless it’s what I desire. Now choose, mon pourri.” He put a bit of steel to his tone, letting her know the time for leniency was over.

“The cross,” she said.

“Good girl.” He held his hand out to her, waiting for her to take it. This was the way he needed her to show she was with him. “Do you need a safeword?”

“Do I?”

He helped her into position, admiring the way the red on the leather framed her from behind. “I said you didn’t need one before, but for tonight, choose one. I can see you’re scared and if it would make you feel better then choose one.”

She took a deep breath, then let it out. “No, I trust you.”

He ran his hand down her cheek, smiling at her trust. “Ah, you don’t know how much that means to me, baby girl.”

The last cuff slid over her ankle. He kissed right above it, then stood up, admiring how beautiful she looked. “I need to take a picture of you just like that.”

“What? Oh my god, what if someone sees it?” she asked.

Scott lifted the camera from the cabinet, coming to stand in front of her and gripped her chin. “Nobody will see you like this unless I allow it, mon pourri, do you understand me?”

Talena licked her lips then nodded. “Yes. I just...I know things on the internet get leaked sometimes.”

He pinched her chin, then kissed her hard. “Nothing will get leaked, baby girl.” He took a step back and snapped a couple pics before shaking his head. “No that’s not good.”

Settling the camera on the ground, he stood up and with a wicked smile, he ripped the tiny scraps of material from her body. Her shocked gasp was swallowed by his mouth as he let his hands roam her body, tweaking her nipples into hardened points then smoothing down her stomach until he reached the juncture between her thighs. “Are you wet, baby?”

She nodded.

“I need to hear you. What do you say?” he asked, tracing her folds without touching where she was most needy.

“Yes, yes I’m wet, Sir.”

The sound of her calling him Sir had him ready to say fuck the scene he was creating. “I think someone is being a very good girl. You know what good girls get?”

“They get fucked?” she asked with a hopeful expression.

“Eventually,” he agreed.

His fingers pressed between her legs and then spread her lower lips apart, making her cry out from that small touch. “Are you close to coming before I ever even touch you?”

She shifted her hips, trying to get him where she wanted him. Scott gave her mound a tap, stilling her movements. “Behave or I’ll stop touching you with my hands and grab one of my floggers.”

His threat had her freezing. “Please, Scott.”

For the next forty-two minutes and thirty-six seconds, Copyright 2016 - 2024