Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,80

out, probably off to kill someone, but he didn’t give a shit. All Hollywood cared about was the woman in his arms. “Guess what time it is?” he asked Talena, swaying back and forth, still standing beneath the damn greenery.

“Time to whisk me off to your room of debauchery and take advantage of me?” she asked, running her hands up his chest, then in a totally Talena move, she hopped up, wrapping her legs back around his waist.

“First of all, fuck me, baby, you’re going to hurt my dick if you don’t settle down. Second, who the hell says whisk in this day and age. And last, but certainly not least, you read my mind because I’m most definitely going to debauch the fuck out of you. But you didn’t guess what time it was.” He gripped her ass tighter, happier than he could ever remember being in all his life.

“Are you going to tell me since I don’t have a watch on, and my phone had nowhere to go in this outfit?” She shifted rubbing purposefully up and down on the ridge of his dick.

Scott groaned and dug his fingers into her ass. “It’s Christmas.”

“Then my wish is coming true already,” she whispered, licking her lips.

He didn’t stand around to hear what she had wished for knowing it was more than likely going to injure his dick even more if he didn’t get them to his room. He carried her back through the bar, paying no attention to those still inside drinking. All the brothers with ole ladies had taken off, presumably to do the same thing as him. Or close to what he planned. The long hall with doors lining it was quiet as he made his way to the end. The suite he took her to once belonged to Cosmo, but since the brother had built a fucking small mansion on the compound, he was gracious enough to let Scott take it over. Before he didn’t give a shit what his room at the club looked like, although it was always clean and serviceable. That was before he had Talena.

Like his home, he’d had it customized with security that opened with his palm print or retinal scanner. Of course, he’d upped his security measure with the screen wiping after he entered and making it have a heat signature match as well. No bastard was going to be able to match him like before.

“Scott, you’re squeezing me. While I like it when you get frisky, I don’t like it when you do it and look feral.”

He kicked the door shut, making sure it latched. “Sorry, my mind went back where it shouldn’t.” Hell, he wasn’t one who claimed to have PTSD after his years in the military, yet one fucked up situation where Talena’s life was almost lost, and he was a twitchy bastard.

“I bet I can help you get your mind on better things,” she whispered, her arms circled his head tighter, bringing him closer to her breasts.

“You think so?” He continued walking through the suite, ignoring the living area, and going straight for the bedroom he’d had redone to his specifications. Poor Cosmo would probably have a conniption if he knew the changes he’d had done, but then again, Cosmo would also enjoy the hell out of the new toys too.

“Oh my,” Talena said, her voice a little high pitched.

“I hope you like one of your Christmas presents, mon pourri.” He let her slide down his body, his fingers keeping hold of the tiny scrap of silk, pulling it further up her back until she moaned.

“Did you leave any lights at the store for other people?”

He let her turn around so her back was facing him, wrapping his arms around her so he could cup her breasts. She’d kept the two pieces of triangles that covered her chest on while she’d danced, but the red silk topped with white fur was even more enticing with what it hid, than what it showed. He scooped the tips of his fingers in the top, teasing the hardened tips. “I’m sure there were a few for anyone who came after me. Alright, tell me which do you want to try first? This is your one and only chance to decide, baby girl.”

“Let’s see? I can be tied to the cross or that bench thing? Sounds like you have some kinky things planned?”

He released her, walking over to the dresser where he had laid out some of his favorite toys. Copyright 2016 - 2024