Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,79

soft cheek knowing she deserved a lot more than him, but he’d be damned if he’d ever give her up.

“Look up.” She tilted her head toward the ceiling and the twinkling lights.

He was sure King would’ve had a fit seeing the clubhouse decorated with trees and more lights than the Macy’s freaking parade, but to his surprise, the man had been smiling from ear to ear all night. Doing as Talena had instructed, he couldn’t help but grin himself, seeing the bundle of greenery just over the entryway. “Is that mistletoe?”

“Why I do believe it is, and you know what that means?”

Scott was sure he knew the answer, only wanting to hear what his clever girl came up with kept him silent. However, he did let his hand find her nicely rounded ass again, swatting each cheek one more time while he waited.

“Hollywood Haven, that is not nice,” she complained.

“Ah, see, that’s where you made your mistake, baby girl. I never said I was nice. Just because the outside veneer looks good and clean most days, doesn’t mean the inside is. Now tell me what I want to hear.” He rubbed the sting, loving the way she moaned under his palm.

“It means if you kiss someone under it on Christmas Eve then your wish will come true.” She gasped as he slipped his fingers between her thighs, running them along the seam shielding her pussy.

“Baby girl, don’t you know your dreams will always come true if you ask me for them?” He unhooked her legs from his waist, settling her in front of him, making sure she was steady in the mile-high heels she had one. Fuck he was so going to fuck her with them on. Already he could imagine what the points digging into his back would feel like and couldn’t wait to see if they were as sharp as they appeared.

“What’re you doing?” She pushed her long hair off of her face, blinking up at him with the rainbow-colored lights from the Christmas decorations creating a halo behind her.

“Why I’m gonna kiss my girl under the fucking mistletoe of course.” Scott held her face between his palms, tipping her head up to his. Her smile widened moments before he covered her lips with his, tasting her sweetness and the flavor of the sweet drink she’d had combined. If the world ended tomorrow, he knew he would die happy, knowing he had her with him.

“Get a room, asshole.”

Hollywood pressed his forehead against Talena’s, murmuring low so only she could hear words he didn’t think he would have to ever say. “Don’t kill him, Cosmo would be pissed.”

“Nah he’d only be slightly miffed. There’s four of us, so he’s got three others.” Ridley slapped his back on his way out.

“How the fuck did he hear me?”

“I got super hearing like Spidey senses,” Ridley hollered back without breaking stride, heading toward the SUV they’d come in. “Shotgun,” he yelled.

“The fuck you do. Get out of that front seat if you value your life and balls, boy.” Roq slapped Hollywood on the shoulder as he too passed him, shaking his head.

Scott barely kept from falling over when the other man hit him. “Roq, you really need to learn to be a little more...gentle, brother.”

Roq stopped walking, turned on his cowboy boots that looked to be a size eighteen, and stared back at Hollywood and Talena. “Shit, man, next you’ll tell me I need to be all friendly to the locals and all that bull that my counselors suggested. Ain’t having any of that kumbayashit, man. Nope, I ain’t doing it. I’ll try to be a little less manly around you fellers,” Roq said with a wink.

Hollywood lifted his right hand, flipping the big bastard the bird. “I’ll show you less manly, asshole.”

Cannon and Axl walked out, carrying a bottle of liquor each. Makers if he wasn’t mistaken.

“Don’t worry, we paid for these. That bartender is a tough negotiator,” Axl muttered, glaring over his shoulder at Frog who stood behind the long bar wiping the top with a rag and grinned.

He didn’t give a shit what they paid or didn’t pay; he only wanted to finish kissing his ole lady, and then get her back to his room and fuck her in nothing but the heels she wore. Was that too much to ask, dammit?

A horn blared, making Axl shove Cannon off the steps, the other man barely catching himself before he faceplanted. Then the four men were loaded up and backing Copyright 2016 - 2024