Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,78

his cock with her legs spread the exact same way and couldn’t wait to get her alone. If he turned around, every person there would have no doubt how much he wanted her with the huge bulge in his jeans. His dick was going to have the indent of his zipper if he didn’t get himself under control.

Taking a few deep breaths, he held his hand up and waited for her to take it. If he’d had a couple hundred in dollar bills, he’d have stuffed them in her outfit. He couldn’t believe the skill she executed, but then again, his girl was amazing at anything she put her mind to. “That was perfect, mon pourri. How long have you been practicing?”

“It was Ayesha’s idea,” she said quickly, then bit her lip. “I added the pole part at the end though. I asked Lennox and her to teach me how to work the thing properly. Are you mad?”

He gripped her by the ass, holding her tight to his body, letting her feel his dick throbbing for her. “Hell no, baby. Horny as fuck and unable to do anything about it until we get home.”

The thought of the beach house had his dick going semi-soft.

“Hey, you two. Um, Doc is going to give me a ride home.” Tara held her hand up. “Don’t give me any shit, Scott Haven. I’m your mother, and I’m a big girl who can get a ride from a nice man.”

Scott looked at Doc then at his mom. “You take her home, and you treat her like you’d want your daughter treated on a first meeting. You feel me?” He’d bury Doc’s cold lifeless body if he fucked with his mother.

Doc grinned. “I feel you, Hollywood. Don’t worry, I’ll treat her like a proper lady. You have my word.”

His mother kissed his cheek then Talena’s. “That was some really amazing dancing, honey. Please tell me that you’re not um, you know, planning to do that as a career though. Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course. It’s just that I don’t think Scott’s heart could handle watching you do that in front of other men.”

He growled an agreement and then watched Doc help his mom into his Mercedes while he stood with his arm around Talena.

“Excuse me, brother, but I gotta go. My ole lady has informed me we are starting a month of love tonight.” Duke held up his fist and bumped his knuckles against Scott’s, walking out with his arm around Lennox.

“What the hell is that?” Keys asked, carrying his sleeping boy from the kitchen.

“King’s woman was talking about it the other day. Whatever it was had his eyes going all slumberous and shit, and Duke said he was going to find out. Guess he did.” Hollywood looked down at Talena’s laughing face.

“How about you, Hollywood, you here for the month of love too?” she asked.

“What is it exactly?” He pulled her in front of him, holding her by the hips.

Talena stood up on her toes, kissing his chin. “It’s where you make love every day for a month.”

He snorted. “We already make love every day, sometimes twice a day.”

“Yeah, but we can do it and say we’re doing the month of love. It makes it more romantic.” She bit his chin.

“Woman, I’ll give you romance.” He decided if she wanted to take a page out of King’s book, he would do too. Tossing her over his shoulder and swatting her ass, he realized his friend had the right idea.

“I love it when you go caveman on me, Hollywood.” She wiggled her ass on his shoulder, almost making him drop her.

He’d thought he was happy with life, chugging along, and watching others find love, then he realized happiness doesn’t depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think. He decided he could turn his life around one thought at a time, one choice at a time. Choosing to love the right woman made everything in his life not only happy but fulfilled.

“Tonight, when I make love to you, Talena, I promise to make sure all your wishes come true.”

“You’re all I wish for, Hollywood Haven.”

He shifted her from his shoulder, sliding her down so he could see her face. She wrapped her legs around his waist, filling his palms with her firm ass.

“Ah, mon pourri, I hope you wish for a lot better than me.” He ran the back of his scarred knuckles down her Copyright 2016 - 2024