Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,77

my ole lady said that if a chick was all up in her face, like if their eyelashes be braiding, that Talena would cut her. She said in the name of Jesus, she swore T would be her girl because Talena said she would cut her and bury her in her grandma’s back forty.” Duke tossed the last of his drink back.

“King, what the fuck is he drinking or taking? Did he eat a weed brownie and decide to cook another pizza at fifteen degrees for four hundred minutes so now he’s mangry?” Scott asked, taking the empty beer bottle and sniffing it.

Duke looked between King and Scott, grabbing for the bottle. “What the fuck is mangry?”

“It’s like when a female is hangry and gets all irrational, but in your case, it’s mangry, which you’re obviously not only irrational but a dumbfuck too,” King muttered.

“Hey, guys, you might want to gather round. I think the women are about to come out with presents.” Doc’s voice boomed, pulling them from the argument that was about to ensue.

The overhead lights dimmed, leaving the multi-colored Christmas lights that had been strung about the room, along with the huge Christmas tree that was lit up, the only illumination in the huge space. All of a sudden, Mariah Carey’s song All I Want For Christmas began playing over the speakers and out came the girls onto the stage. Tara, Hollywood’s mother, leading the way, wearing a red silk dress that showed off her curves that he was sure no son should have to witness other men ogling. And then, Talena came out last, and his thoughts scattered.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” he whispered, hearing the other men mutter things that mirrored his own thoughts. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw Doc move closer, but then Talena and Ayesha stepped in front of his mom with Lennox right behind them.

“If my ole lady strips, I am going to beat her ass so damn good she ain’t going to sit for a week,” King said, rubbing his hands together.

“Take it off,” cheered Duke.

King elbowed his brother Duke, who smiled back at him.

Hollywood ignored them both, his stare riveted to the stage.

The women danced to the song, articles of clothing did indeed start coming off. He heard King growling and muttering as his prez moved closer and closer. Before Ayesha could get down to what was probably a sexy teddy, he had her over his shoulder, his preferred mode of exit, and strode toward the door. “See you tomorrow, assholes. I’m gonna get my Christmas present early.” King swatted Ayesha’s ass, the slap echoing around the room.

Doc held his hand up for Tara to step off the stage, which Hollywood was glad to see his mother hadn’t removed a stitch of clothing. He’d have had to gouge out every fucker’s eyes there.

“Mon pourri, you want to continue, or are you ready to come down from there?” he asked, watching her eye the pole.

She grinned down at him. “I practiced this amazing routine though.”

“Oh yeah she did,” Lennox cheered.

“You coming down, or am I coming to get you?” Duke asked, arms crossed over his chest with his beer bottle dangling from his fingers, standing a foot from the stage like he was fully prepared to leap up and snatch his ole lady.

“Now, Duke, you know I was only doing my duty as...well as the only professional dancer amongst us,” Lennox said, moving toward Duke.

Hollywood kept his lips sealed since her professional dancing wasn’t pole or lap dancing, yet she and the others, minus his mother, had done a damn fine job of shaking their assets while taking their clothes off. Nope, he most definitely wasn’t going to rattle that cage.

He folded his arms over his chest, waiting. Over his shoulder, he looked to see how the others in the room were taking in the show, and to his surprise, they’d all turned their backs. Goddamn, he loved his brothers. “Well, let’s see it then.”

Talena grabbed the bar, her movements fluid and sure to the music. He was utterly transfixed by the play of muscles in her arms and stomach with each twirl and flip she executed while holding onto the pole, keeping up with the tempo. When the song was coming to an end, Talena flipped her entire body up and around, legs spreading wide until she slid to the floor, the only thing holding her was her arms. He had an image of her riding Copyright 2016 - 2024