Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,59

and would’ve turned to glare at him if he wasn’t holding her neck. Of that, he was sure. Her muffled curse was followed by an inaudible string of words he had to lean forward to hear better. “Repeat that, pourri.”

“I said if you had any more dick, then the answer was no, dammit, then rethought saying it because of your penchant for slapping my ass,” she muttered.

He laughed, unable to believe she could make him feel every emotion in the span of minutes. “You’d be right.” He pulled back, easing his cock out so that just the head was inside her. As he pushed back in, he gave her right cheek a slap, followed by another to the left. “I’m going to need you to count for me, Talena. I said you were owed ten for your punishments you’d racked up. Those two were for the sass you just gave me. Now we begin. If you don’t count, then I don’t either.”

Scott pulled out, and pushed in, giving her ass a slap each time he entered, rubbing the sting each time he exited. Her voice was loud the first few times she called the numbers, making him proud. He spanked every inch of her ass cheeks, making sure not to hit the same spot, her ass turning a nice red. By the time he was on the seventh count, she was breathless, lifting up into him. He waited for her to say the number before pulling out but was met with silence.

“Still with me, baby?” He rubbed her fiery ass.

“Yes,” she moaned.

“What number are we on?” He waited.

“Um, seven?”

“That’s your only pass.” He thrust back in, his balls drawing up with the need to come. Damn he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been ready to blow so quickly. In rapid succession, he landed two swats to her ass, hoping like hell she counted them both.

“Eight, nine,” she wailed.

When he pulled out and then slammed back in, he slapped her ass one last time, hearing her yell the number ten unleashed his control.

“Fuck!” He grunted and gripped her hips in a bruising hold.

Talena fell forward, resting on her elbows, her hair obscuring his view of her face. He didn’t need to see her to know she was loving what he was doing to her. The feel of her body tightening around his length, her orgasm so close he was sure it would take him with her even if he wasn’t already so damn close.

“I could fuck you for hours and never get tired of the feel of your body squeezing my cock. Damn,” he moaned as the rippling feel of her pussy nearly strangled his dick.

He stroked in and out of her faster. One, two, three more times, and then he was coming so hard he was sure he had nothing left to give, except when he pulled out, a few drops were still on the tip. Some deep-seated part of him had him rubbing his essence into her reddened flesh, marking his territory. If he’d been an animal, he’d surely have lifted his damn leg and marked her the way they did. The thought had him chuckling.

“Why’re you laughing?” she asked drowsily.

Scott sat back on his haunches, looking at her ass in the air with his and her fluids running out of her. “I was thinking how sexy you looked with my marks on you.” He wasn’t going to tell her what he’d been thinking. He was a smart man and knew women didn’t appreciate the way men’s minds worked sometimes.

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up. While I love the idea of you with me inside you, I know you’ll sleep better after a shower.” He scooted off the side, holding out his hand.

Talena groaned, but then she rolled to her back. “You’re right.”

“Ah, that sounds beautiful.” He reached down and swooped her into his arms, carrying her into the ensuite.

She slipped her arms around his shoulders, yawning widely. “I’m not even going to comment since my bum is still sore.”

“Smart girl.” He pressed the button on the keypad by his shower. Maybe he should’ve asked her if she liked to take hot or warm showers, but his motto was to start as you mean to go on. Since he liked hot showers, he was doing as he liked. It didn’t take anytime for the water to heat up to his preferred temp.

“You can put me down you know?” She didn’t wiggle to get let down; her arms Copyright 2016 - 2024