Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,58

experienced. Impotent and uncontrollable rage. “Why was I never told?” He could’ve lost her, and he hadn’t even known. He rolled her off of him, moving to the side of the bed. His chest ached, the damn thing pounding worse than when he’d been fucking Talena only moments ago.

“I begged mom not to. I promised I’d get better if she didn’t. I...I used you as a bargaining chip for me getting better. I didn’t want you to see me like that,” she whispered.

The shame in her voice made him look over his shoulder, seeing her curled into a ball in the center of his huge bed, her back to him, he saw the bones of her spine. “You weighed eighty-six pounds, T? You’re five foot seven, baby,” his voice cracked.

She didn’t answer him, but with the sliver of light from the moon outside, he could see her body jerk. He moved back to her, curving his bigger body around hers, leaning over so he could see her face. Tears trickled down her cheek. “Baby, don’t cry.”

“I disappointed you.”

“The hell? Talena, I’m angry because I could’ve lost the best thing in my life. I’m not disappointed in you. You were young, but that shit is never happening again. You hear me? I know that it’s an easy slope to fall down, but I want you healthy to carry my baby. If you can’t, fuck it, we can adopt. Look at you, you’re the best damn thing my mom ever did.” He turned her until she was facing him. “I love you, T, everything about you, regardless if you can carry our child. Do you hear me?”

“You still want me?” she asked.

“I’ll want you until I’m old and grey and long after that probably. Hell, baby girl, I’ll be the one they call for sperm donations in the old folk’s home if you’re anywhere nearby. As long as you’re with me, baby, I don’t see my need for you ever stopping. Does this feel like I don’t want you?” He pressed his hips against her, letting her feel the truth of his statement.

“I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t clean up then, because it feels like the toddler’s leg has reappeared,” she said, snorting.

“And it appears my little brat needs reminding who’s the boss.” He gave her surprisingly supple ass a firm tap, knowing he would be doing that often. She gave a startled yelp that ended in a moan. “Fuck, and you were wondering if you could handle me, mon pourri? There’s nobody in the world more perfect for me.”

He flipped her onto her stomach, moving a pillow beneath her hips, keeping a firm grip on her hips. “I like this view.” With the light from the moon coming in through the bank of windows he could see her ass perfectly. She looked like a golden goddess.

She whipped her head around, glaring at him over her shoulder. “You just like being in the man position.”

Scott wanted to ease her into his lifestyle, but he couldn’t allow her to continue to push him, testing his patience. Some things he needed to stay steady. It was a quirk within himself, and he was honest enough to admit it. Using his left hand, he gathered her hair into his fist, pulling on the thick mass, extending her neck toward him at an angle that wasn’t natural. It would be a little uncomfortable for her, but he waited until she grimaced before he stopped. “I’m always going to be in the man position, baby. I’ll always top you. I think I gave you the wrong impression earlier.”

Her eyes dilated; a tiny shiver rolled down her frame. He felt it along his cock nestled between her thighs, and still, he didn’t enter her. “I told you before we started what I needed. Do you need a refresher, mon pourri?”

Talena licked her lips. “No, Sir. I understand, and I want it too.”

He rolled the fist he held her hair in, wrapping the strands around it. “Good girl.” With their eyes locked, her neck still at the angle he wanted her, he slid inside her tight sheath, hissing at the incredible feel of her body welcoming him.

“Oh fuck, you feel bigger than before,” she moaned.

Scott grunted, holding his hips flush with her ass. Slowly he unwound his hand from her hair, massaging her neck to relieve some of the stress he’d caused, making her moan. “You feel tighter too, baby. You ready for more?” he asked.

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