Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,60

stayed locked tightly around him.

“I’m aware.” He opened the door, stepped into the huge shower stall with the half a dozen shower heads spraying water all around them. Her little squeal of surprise brought a grin to his lips. Once he had them inside, he lowered her to the ground.

“This is perfect.” She held her arms out to the sides, letting the water pelt her.

It was hard for him to not grab her by the waist and fuck her right then and there. His dick was semi-hard again, no shocker. To keep himself from doing what his damn body wanted, he picked up the shampoo from the shelf built into the wall. “Turn around,” he ordered her.

Thank fuck she listened since he wasn’t sure he would be able to keep from punishing her with his palm or his cock, if she hadn’t. His gaze went to her reddened backside. Pride welled up in him at the way she’d taken his discipline without a single complaint. Not that it would’ve stopped him, but he’d have hated to think she wasn’t prepared for what he needed.

After he squirted a large portion of shampoo into his palm, he worked it into her hair, digging his fingers into her scalp.

“Oh lord, that feels amazing. If you weren’t, you know rich as Midas, you would make an excellent wash boy.” Laughter laced her words.

“The only person I’ll ever be washing is my little sub.” He ran his finger through her hair, making sure he worked the shampoo through the entire length. “Now rinse.”

“So bossy.” Her tone was weak like she was getting tired.

“Get used to it.” He had a palm full of conditioner waiting for when she had all the shampoo rinsed out. The punch to his solar plexus as she faced him, her blue eyes sparkling like sapphires with happiness, shocked him. He’d known she had feelings for him but the way she was looking at him across the short distance, there was no denying the truth any longer. He’d told her he loved her, and he did. He was sure she felt the same. Now, seeing the walls she’d constructed around herself down, there was no more pretenses any longer. Talena wasn’t a little girl with a crush, but his woman who loved him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, baby. Come here.” He held his free hand out, letting her come to him, and she did, trusting him to take care of her. The hand with the conditioner came around her, smoothing over the top of her head. His first priority would always be seeing to her comfort, and his little woman was beyond tired. Not wanting to dawdle, he ran his fingers through her hair. While she rinsed, he took care of washing the rest of her, then himself. He made sure they were both clean and then shut the water off, stepping out of the shower first, and grabbed one of the towels from the warming rack. He toweled off quickly before grabbing another for her.

She crossed her arms over her breasts, a shyness he’d never witnessed in her appearing. “You do this for all your...women?”

Before he answered the question, he dried the water from her body then lifted the smaller towel he’d purchased for her hair. It was a little ironic she was standing before him after letting him do what he’d pleased, loving every moment, yet now she appeared almost shy. “Talena, look at me when you ask me questions that clearly have a big impact on you.” Seconds ticked by, three to be exact, and then she complied.

“I shouldn’t have asked you that. I’m tired.” Her yawn attested to the truth of her statement, but obviously she was questioning his motives.

“When I have a woman in my care, then yes, it’s my job to take care of her. I said I wasn’t going to lie to you, and I’m not. However, I have never had a woman here. Did you notice the shampoo and conditioner I used was your preferred kind?” He let his question settle into her mind. “See this towel?” He held up the microfiber twist towel he had seen his mother buy for Talena. “I have a dozen of them for you because you and I both know I don’t need them.”

A small smile tipped the corner of her lips. “You have a great head of hair, Hollywood.”

All his life he’d been called the golden boy because of his blond hair and blue eyes. In the military, his nickname Copyright 2016 - 2024