Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,20

the guard to hang up and ignore the phone.

“Ah, the power’s out, Brian. More than likely it’s some punk pulling a prank,” Gary said smoothly.

Whatever else was said, he didn’t hear as the line went dead. Jumping to his feet, he slammed his fist onto the desk. “Fuck,” he growled out when the wood cracked.

He sat back down, shutting down access to the company. Gary would still have whatever money he had in accounts that were his, but he was out of Haven Corp’s Accounts. Scott would make sure he was out of the company as well. The corporation would run itself, or rather the department managers would oversee their shit until the board appointed a new head. With three years left on his term with the military, he couldn’t take over the company, nor did he want to. The last fucking thing Haven Corp needed was him at the helm. He could kill a terrorist in a single shot from over a mile away without a problem, which not many could do. That had been one of the reasons he’d been recruited to the elite group. Each team had specialists; he was their sharpshooter, having beat the record of the last man by hitting the target over a mile away, over and over again. As counterterrorist operatives, Delta Force members are trained in the art of hostage rescue in closed spaces. When they rescue captives, the hostage-takers are rarely left alive. If they had to go in and get a hostage, then they used a simple two-tap method of dealing with terrorists—two shots go into each kidnapper. Scott was who they used when they needed to take out a target from a longer distance and wanted or had only one shot to do it. The best shooters could hit a target at one mile away, he was better, hitting his target at 2000 yards consistently.

Haven Corp was a medical technology company, and his family made huge commitments to volunteerism and sustainability. Nowhere in the company handbook did his abilities for shooting a terrorist in the head at 2000 yards fit into the profile of what a good leader looked like. He wondered when the last time ole Gary had suited up to volunteer. His finger itched to lock onto the man through his scope with the little x centered on his forehead. A quick little death would be a mercy for all of them. Too good for the bastard but he’d do it without blinking an eye if he could.

A quick check at the time had him grimacing. Tomorrow he’d call an emergency board meeting and let them figure shit out. That’s what he paid them for. He strode over to his closet, grimacing at the thought of putting on a suit and tie the next day just to fire Gary. Before he did that, he needed to tell his mom.

His cell vibrated on the desk. He went back over, looking down at the screen. “Son-of-a-bitch.”

He’d known Gary had balls, but to take the company jet, proved he was next level balsy or stupid. He hadn’t thought the man would actually up and leave the state, which was stupid on his part. Scott didn’t bother calling the pilot since he had already run into the guard not listening to his direct orders. If there was one thing he didn’t do, that was repeat the same mistake twice. “At least I don’t need to worry about the bastard returning home tonight,” he muttered.

Scott would ensure the fucker didn’t think he had a right to come back to anything owned by him or his family, ever, and once the plane landed, Gary wouldn’t have access to it either.

He left his bedroom, intent on telling his mother. A weight settled over his shoulders at what he had to break to her. Even though he felt she would be better off without the asshole, she still had to have some feelings for him. He nearly collided with Talena as soon as he turned the corner in the hallway outside his room.

“Shit, pipsqueak, you startled me.” He knelt down, brushing her white-blonde hair back from her forehead. “What’s wrong?”

Talena had her legs pressed up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them, big blue eyes staring up at him with fear etched on her face. “I didn’t want to sleep in my room.”

He noticed the blanket and pillow behind her. “You what, thought you’d sleep out here in the hallway?” Rage nearly choked Copyright 2016 - 2024